
What jobs or volunteering can 12 year olds in Braintree do?

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I'm trying to find a job or do volunteer work for the summer but you have to be 13 to do all jobs I've found.




  1. The only thing I know you could probably do at your age is garden work. Ask your neighbors if they need someone to mow the lawn for them, or if they know someone who would benefit from having you help them. You could also help people plant their gardens and such. Charge maybe $6 to $8/hr.

    You could also offer to clean people's homes for a small fee. Or do this for free. You could find people with real need here. Even with garden work.  Go door-to-door and ask around. Don't go far, though. You don't wanna end up on the news for any reason. And despite the hate kids have of school, you'll be glad you weren't killed before the school year starts again.

    You could also do some babysitting but I don't think most parents will let you take care of their kids because you're one yourself.

    Look online for volunteer opportunities in your area and call around for information. You may or may not need an adult with you for many of these things.  Good luck. I hope you find something that you'll enjoy doing.

  2. follow what i did, start a babysitting buisness, its a great, fast, and fun way to earn big moolahh. :]]

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