
What jump/cheap/mountain bike should I get?

by  |  earlier

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i am at the moment looking for a fun bike i can use for summer but it needs to be cheap. my price range is £100 - £170. i will be using the bike for small jumps so it needs to be of good quality and best answer will receive points. answers will be much appreciated.





  1. i dont know about euros, but the trek jack 1 is a decent jump bike for $550. its going to hard to find a good quality jump bike for  170 euros.  kona scrap is a great jump bike, but again not 170 euro its $850.

  2. Good quality jump bike and under £170? No such beast exists if you're buying new.

    Second hand is the way to go, or as mentioned above - a mid-range BMX.

  3. you wont buy a good mountain bike for that money.. however you could buy a fairly good BMX bike for it...

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