
What just happened to me??

by  |  earlier

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First I woke up at 9, and fell back asleep around 10. Around 10:30 I half woke up but I was paralyzed, it felt like someone was yanking my covers onto the floor and I felt completely helpless. I opened my eyes, but I couldn't wake up, and I knew I was having a dream. I could hear myself breathing and struggling in the sheets, this went on for about 5 minutes before I finally managed to wake up.




  1. it was nothing just a bad nightmare that let you travel out of your body.

  2. nothing. you were dreaming i done that before i was awake  but i could not open my eyes or move and i was being chaste by a demean and fail in a net then woke up. They say if that happens to you and you fall to the ground you die. no you don't die  

  3. have yourself medically checked for a sleep disorder.  You may not have one, but it doesn't hurt to get checked out if you can.

    God bless.

  4. thats called sleep paralyzes or something like that

  5. Sleep paralysis or something......

  6. No one can answer this question for you. All we can do is give you educated guesses based on our experiences.

    so here goes...

    It is possible that you were being astrally and/or physically molested. First thing, clense your sleeping space. Second, have someone you trust 'bless the space' with you. Through prayer or whatever method you prefer, call upon your divine protectors to aid and guard you while you sleep. Lastly, if the above does not instantly 'cure' the problem, repeat the above steps at least once a week until the cure works or you find another solution to the problem.

    Just know that you are not alone. This situation happens to more people than most care to realize.  

  7. Anonymous, you can count yourself lucky because you had a visitor and it did not harm you.  It could be that you are protected by a strong Angel.    

  8. This  is a good informative link.

  9. When dreaming, our brain sends impulses to our muscles. When we react in a dream, we really send orders to our muscles to move but this only results in very small movements because at the time our muscles are being paralyzed by an hormone naturally secreted during sleep. Normally, this hormone totally wears off as soon as you wake up in a few seconds. However, dysfunctions of this wearing off are known to happen and can last for several anguishing minutes. Last time I checked, the reasons were not very well known and does not seem to be related to any kind of serious medical condition. I am, however, no doctor. You can take advice from a competent professional the next time you'll meet one, he'll probably be more up to date than I am.

  10. could have just been an intense dream or something other worldly >>  

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