
What just maks you want to scream?

by  |  earlier

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makes not maks




  1. vehicles with taillights larger than a steering wheel = gas guzzler

  2. A good look at Hillary Clinton

  3. My friends and how self absobed they can be.

  4. thinking about all the stoopid people in the world .. AGHHHHHHH!

  5. My boy friends ex-wife.

  6. Questions in the wrong category

    -a guy named duh

  7. Beside a messy room,,,, if a bug gets stuck in my hair, and i hear its buzzzz, waw!!!! I go nuts.

  8. When you're trying to explain something to someone and they don't understand so you tell them over and over again... ahhh!!! That just makes me so frustrated that I want to scream!

  9. When I see people with their kids (small) all in the car with no seatbelts on, just bouncin' around the backseat like nobody's business!

    AND what Jeremy's Housewife said.

  10. people telling me everything is going to be ok .

  11. Great s*x

  12. People who know-it-all.

  13. People who think that you want to hear their opinion on everything.  

    oh and frogs!  i hate those things.  eeewwww...

  14. spiders, and other bugs!!


    i HATE THAT!

  16. when good women go back to cheating men who dont deserve them

  17. My electric bill.

  18. my ex boyfriend

  19. Questions posted in the wrong area.

    And chickens.

  20. Spokespeople on radio and tv commercials that are YELLING AT ME to walk into their car dealership or their  furniture store...and buy whatever they happen to be selling!

    If "mercy killings" were permitted in this country...I'd go right for their throats!

  21. When I am accused of something I didn't do, or when someone doesn't believe me when I am telling the truth.

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