
What keeps a politicians son from Iraq?

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Track Palin enlisted on the 6th ann. of 9/11 in 2007. His mother is governor of Alaska, our new rep. VP under McCain. Did his mother have clout or by choice to be stationed in Fairbanks? Shouldn't he rotate with troops who've been in Iraq on several tours?




  1. Depends upon his job. If he got a job watching Nukes? We have no nukes in Iraq. The mother will have a easier time getting him a job than stopping him from being sent over seas. Only if he is in the national guard does she have the clout.  

  2. What's the point of being a politician if you can't use your position in order to keep your children out of war zones in conflicts that you support??

    I mean, the next thing you'll be telling me is that politicians shouldn't be able to take money from lobbyists!!

    Or that it's a conflict of interest to own a company that profits from a war that you were instrumental in starting....

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