
What keeps our brains from over heating?

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What keeps our brains from over heating?




  1. Drinking water... Drinking water does wonders for the whole body. Lol No seriously, I have no clue.

  2. It doesn't really heat up in the first place.  Your brain might be the center of your bodies electrical system, but it only puts out as much energy as a night light....maybe up to 10 watts at the most.

  3. Your Thyroid Gland. It is the body's thermostat, and regulates your temperature.

  4. what others said....but your brain CAN overheat if you spend too much time in the heat.  It is called Heat Stroke.

    Otherwise, all the other things as well as your blood is a coolant too.  Ever wonder why you turn red when you are hot.......blood flows to small vessels close to the surface of the skin to remove heat from your core......

    Sweat.....along with close to the surface bloodflow also help cool the body.......

    Also, the brain is at the highest point of the body only about 1.5 -2 inches under the skull.....Heat rises....convection can remove alot of heat just by being at the highest point.......

  5. that would be the  Hypo-thalamus. With out those glands, we could not have temperature control over the body. They are the bodies thermostat to regulate body temp

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