
What key factors have contributed to your identity?

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Family, Friends, Coworkers? Explain how these factors contribute to your identity.




  1. Family:  Always putting me down, no self confidence.

    Friends: Always disappear when things aren't perfect in my life.  I don't go out of my way to make friends,

    Co-workers: Always got along well with co-workers, but I prefer to keep them at work.  I don't like to socialize with them.

  2. My nationality. - It has always been a major factor about me. It is the first thing people want to know about me and I was raised according to traditions in my country of origin.

    Money - It contributes to many people's identity. Some children are blessed to have started ice skating at a young age and have been able to make a career out of it ( and a career can be a big part of someones identity. A lot of people look at Paris Hilton and say she is a brat and stuck up and her personality is in part thanks to the fact that she grew up extremely wealthy. I'm not saying everyone who is rich or poor fits a certain way. I'm just saying that some people choose to be affected by having money or not.

    My enemies/people I disagree with - They taught me who I don't want to be like.

  3. none needed im just awsome

  4. Place of birth i live in WV so that contributes to my attitude the Appalachian belief that people should be able to do anything they want that doesn't effect the life liberty property or prosperity directly which is one reason I'm a libertarian.

    Family my family is very dis functional so  i try to make many friends outside of my family circle.

    Friends- dont really effect me to much I've been friends with jocks, preppy kids, goths, punks, nerds, geeks, wiggers, pot heads for some reason everyone loves me but i keep my own values.  

  5. Just some stuff

  6. Family and Environment.

    My life has been predicated on corruption and lies.  I don't even have a personal identity.  My family members were involved with the criminal element in New Jersey and I got into it myself as well.  Now I have a criminal record and must lie in order to get a job. In fact, I can't even get a job anymore, due to internet background checks.  I have no friends left and no family since I decided to move and leave that life behind.  I can't buld a new life either, because my whole life has been a disgusting farce.

  7. Place of birth.

  8. Man should not aim for publicity or identity( in u r words). if u devote u r life to u r ambition. u can b identified. how do v identify jesus christ.??  by the smile he gave for succesive BLOWS he got.  

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