
What *keywords* would you use?

by  |  earlier

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I have some but I'm just curious as to what you would use. I have an animal rights/environmental website. If you were searching for information on these concerns, what keywords would you use? Please list as many as you can. This will be a great help. If you want to visit my site, you can find a link by viewing my profile page. Thanks so much.




  1. peta

    animal rights

    animal abuse

    global warming


    go green

    animal concerns

    ethical animal advocacy

    animal welfare

  2. Don't mix the two up separate issues

  3. What you're looking to create are words that are keyed towards producing SEO, or Search Engine Optimization.  This allows people using sites like Yahoo! and Google to better find your site, based on the topic they are looking for.

    For a site focusing on animal rights in the wild I would include such words as conservation, wildlife, habitat, environment, protection, etc.  You know your site better than anyone else and what you hope to achieve.  What I suggest doing is looking at the concepts that you find the themes / concepts in your site that are strongest and most often repeated -- then gear your SEO words to that.

    You might want to look at a few other sites such as Defenders of Wildlife and The Nature Conservancy to get a better idea of how they tap into SEO.

    Good luck!

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