
What kicks is she getting by doing this ? Is she shallow ? Is she playing games ?

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She is a few years younger than me..

Every time ....I have found her staring..and its not like its her natural habit.. she goes on and makes it pretty obvious that she likes me..she

is fidgety..nervous around me.. stares hard and long.. and fidgety as in not uncomfortably.. but fidgety as .. in my dream boy is what do I do..

But whenever I try and t..alk with her... she avoids me..runs away.. is sign of anything.

By the way she is 21..

why is she doing this ? rather behaving this way ?

Should I go for her?




  1. Don't wait for her to talk to her, don't 'try' to talk to her either, just talk to her, start a conversation with her straight away so she has to answer stuff.

    As long as she's not giving you a weirdo look them she definately likes you.

  2. You sound impatient. She may not have worked up the confidence to let you talk to her yet. You can play the flirty game back with her to help her with that. Don't approach her. Let her approach you.

  3. she sounds shy and she's probably wondering why u haven't asked her out all ready!!!

    Pls answer mine

  4. maybe she's nuts...psycho...who knows man...

  5. Shes 21 so shes not like an immature teenager or anything shes just shy around you as she likes you.

    Aproach her if you feel the same  

  6. She's waiting for you to make a move.

    quit wasting time

  7. She sounds extremely shy.

    If you try and talk to her and she just runs away everytime its pretty pointless isn't it?

  8. Rahul, tell her you've noticed, tell her you like her, and tell her she can calm down now, so that you two can see if its going anywhere

  9. You better hold her hand and talk to her so that she won't be able to run away.

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