
What killed the dinosours !!?

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i need a source that actually tells me what killed the dinosours because i hear different things like iceage and a astrode ! what really did it ???




  1. ok ok I admit it! it was MEEEE!!!!

  2. The evidence that it was an asteroid is overwhelming. The asteroid sent up enourmous amounts of sludge into the atmosphere, cutting off light from the sun, and thus cooling the Earth.

    You got a nice long answer on this, except I thought it was controversial whether the dinosaurs were warm-blooded or cold-blooded.

    But with masive die-off of plants, the huge plant-eaters couldn't survive, and therefore niether could those who lived by eating them.

    BTW, birds are the currently-living descendents of dinosaurs. (And, not all dinosaurs were huge -- those are just the ones we hear about the most.)

    are a couple of sites where you could read up. (The second has some links that are for subscribers only, but other links on that page are free.)

  3. God did extint them. They were the most majestic creatures on earth. But they try to be better than man, and try to put man under by instructions of lucifer. However, man was created as God over all creatures. God himself dammed all reptiles and took their legs off and die or walk on the dust on their bellies forever. So they dissapear from the face of earth forever.

  4. Many scientists believe it was an asteroid that hit the Yucatan peninsula near Cancun, Mexico around 65 million years ago.

  5. Both and more stuff...

  6. Bad Spelling and inability to read and study!

    Google Dinosaurs+Extinction+Asteroid

    Or just go to the library!

  7. All evidence HEAVILY suggests it was a result of a large (60 miles across) meteorite which hit the earth off the coast of the Yucatan in mexico.  The crater was finally found about 10 yrs ago or so.

    what followed was a massive, world-wide ash cloud which darkened the skies for a few years....during which time occurred "the great die-off"....where fossil records show that perhaps 90% of all terrestrial life perished.

    what survived were small creatures...and especially the newly arrived Mammals...who were able to maintain their own body temperature; unlike the dinosaurs who had very limited ability to do so(as recent studies suggest).  So....a large dinosaur, in very cold weather, with very little plant life around to eat, or other dinosaurs to eat (after they start dying), means EXTINCTION!!

    the emerging era was dominated by warm-blooded mammals...small at first, and anything else that could survive in the post-apocalyptic nuclear winter which the meteor created.

    hope this helps

  8. dr. sebby has the correct answer!

  9. A guess is the best we can do - no body was living at that time to be able to REALLY tell us what happened.

  10. I think it was human nature, weather, a lack of food, and predators that killed the dinosaurs.

  11. Those that think the dinosaurs died out millions of years ago are perhaps unaware of the large amount of evidence indicating that they lived recently alongside man.

    There are many written accounts and depictions of dinosaurs.

    Remember that the word dinosaur was invented in 1841. Before that people used names like dragon.

    People from all over the world have accounts of dinosaurs: the Chinese who have incorporated it into their lunar calendar, The Welsh who have the dragon in their flag; The account of the Saxon Beowolf; The native american thunderbird; and other stories from many other nations. The Romans even made mosaics of them.

    Furthermore, dinosaur fossils have even been found containing blood cells - hardly 65 million years old.

    But check the evidence for yourself - don't by brainwashed by dogmatic evolutionists who don't want us to think for ourselves :)

    The main reason they've died out is most likely because they've been hunted to extinction - good old St George.

  12. They don't know; theories abound, from the advent of mammals which are better suited for life, to a comet hitting the earth or an ice age.  Just pick one or make up your own; so-called scientists do that all the time.

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