
What killed the hamster?

by  |  earlier

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so my hamster did last night but oddly i dont care that much havnt even shed a ter any ways it was hot in my room maybe a little over 6o dgrs. i felt bad so i gave it room tepatue tap water and put the fan near it this was in the day...i come back in the night shake her cage she didnt move thats when i relized she was dead my sister suggested heat stroke but i dont know she looked lyk she was walking and and just litaraly droped dead.

R.I.P-penutt ?.?07-7.20 08




  1. No-one knows unless you do a little hamster postmortum.

    But it may have been old age, dehydration, wet tail- sometimes it shows little symptoms, heat stroke, heart attack...


    I'm voting for dehydration/heat stroke.

  2. Some rodents are extremely short lived.Perhaps it was old age.

  3. A- heatstroke/dehydration

    b- u say you loved  it but:

    1) u gave it ROOM tempreture water , the room is warm! how  was that meant to cool it down

    2)  its prob always in a tiny plastic cage(get way too warm)

    3) you SHOOK its cage!!!!! did u normally do that the poor thing was prob in costent  state of shock!

    now i love my pets and if i know im warm they are feeling worse! so i

    1)give them fresh cool tap water

    2) remove them from hot room or provide shade

    3) ventalation! windows!

    4) fresh fruit veg for hydration!

    5)  frozen water in a water bottle so they can lie down next to it

    6) tiles/marble are also good cos they keep cool and they like to lie on them

    so basically it was your fault for being ignorant of your hamsters welfare.. and your not upset because  you just love the fact about having a pet not the pet itself... youve prob gone and brought a new one already!!

    i just hope in the future  you grow up mentialy and reasearch before not after ! its not hard im 17 and ive managed

  4. Hamsters Should be left in room temp if its go cold or too hot then your hamster has a chance of dying

    so rememeber if you ever get another hamster leave it in room temp

    Good Luck!!! x :)

    Luv Me

  5. I think its bad you dont care.

    But anyway it was most probly the heat.

    If your hamster is over 2 years old  . then it may have been old age.

    But if you ask me it was pretty irresponsible leaving him in the room like that anyway.

    R.I.P hamster hope you have a better life then you did here

  6. I think that what you are really asking is whether or not it was your fault that your hamster died.

    That is also why you are not shedding any tears because the guilt is overwhelming your grieving.

    Hamsters don't live very long in the first place and if you hadn't put the fan on then it may have died of heatstroke anyway.  Obviously you care or you wouldn't have gave it a cool drink or a fan to cool it down.

    Don't beat yourself up over why it died, just come to terms with it.

  7. I agree, I think you need to be done with hamster and all animals if that's the way you treat them.

    Hamsters have to have fresh water DAILY.  Hamsters need a constant temperature between 68 degrees F. and 76 degrees F. If you deviate from those temperatures, meaning if you go above or below them, you have a very serious chance of either your hamster having a heat stroke or going into hibernation which will kill them also.  

    You should never shake any cage that a hamster is in regardless if it's not moving or can actually kill the hamster or send it into shock.  

    Sounds like she had a heat stroke.

    If you don't care, then don't get another hamster EVER!!!!!!!

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