
What kills more guns or tobacco?

by Guest61070  |  earlier

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For the first answer

really, cars kill even more?

but of the two, what does, guns or tobacco

and can you give a number, like a percent?




  1. Well, according to the cigarette packet I hold in my hands,

    Tobacco kills [on average] 19,000 people a year

    Motor vehicle accidents kill [on average] 1,700 people a year

    Murderers kill [on average] 200 people a year.

    But that's in Australia, so it's probably no help.

  2. guns of cousre tobacco takes years. but gun in one second

  3. You do realize that neither of them kill people, right?  I mean this is symptomatic of the lack of logic of people today who want to indulge in these types of conversations.

    People commit slow suicide by using tobacco products, and guns are the tools of an individual using them.  We don't question the lawfulness of possessing knives, cars, baseball bats, crowbars, or the use of any other method resulting in the death of an individual.  But, when it comes to tobacco and firearms its a whole different ball game.

    Responsibility and accountability are a thing of the past and it is proving to be detrimental to our society.

  4. Tobacco = 438,000 deaths

    Unhealthy food (i.e. McDonalds) = 280,000 deaths

    Alcohol = 80,000 deaths

    Motored Vehicles = 43,000 deaths

    Guns = 30,000 deaths

    Only 0.8% of accidental deaths are caused with firearms compared to 44.3% with motor vehicles.

  5. tobacco

  6. Probably by a 100 to 1 ratio, Tobacco.

  7. Tobacco


  8. guns or course!  

  9. Tobacco hands down, in the US-

    - Tobacco = 438,000 deaths/year

    - Firearms = 30,000 deaths/year

    or 14.6x's more deaths from tobacco than from firearms.

    Motor vehicle deaths in 2006 were 42,642.

    - David

  10. Cars kill more people annually than guns AND tobacco combined.

    We should sue car makers and tax the c**p out of them and place even tighter restrictions on them.


    doesn't actually say "tobacco", but I'd put that in with "lower respiratory diseases (emphysema) and malignant neoplasms (cancer).

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