
What kind of ATM's are there in Thailand?

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In bangkok do they have ATM that take overseas cards to withdraw money? I know we could do this is the Philippines so wondered if Thailand is the same? We were able to withdraw from the atms that had "centro" or something simliar on them?

thanks =)




  1. Your something else.  Where do you think you going to the jungles of the Amazon.  Your find ATM machine's on every street in Bangkok and all over Thailand.  You ask two question that are very insulting to Thai people as if it living in the early 1900's.

  2. They do have ATM's and you will have know problems withdrawing money.

    You should notice on your card you have words like

    Cirrus, eftpos and Maestro. That means you can withdraw money overseas from you account.

  3. People who have trouble withdrawing from ATM's anywhere in the world have not made sure (before they left home) that their cards are properly linked (ie. maestro, cirrus etc.).  Talk to your bank.  It is a good idea to tell your bank you are going overseas so they don't get suspicious when a whole lot of transactions start coming from some foreign place anyway.

  4. u can withdrawl money like u would of in ur home country but they do charger higher rate!    for example u withdrawled $300, the fees would be $40+ on ur bank statement.  and that is each time u withdrawl I recommend withdraling a big amount once!!

  5. Don't believe anything people say about having ATM's in Thailand...they defintely do not...I have just come back from there. In fact in most places they do not even have cash...everything is paid for in fruit and vegetables.

    Forget your ATM card - just take carrots and oranges.  

  6. No they don't use money here in Thailand we barter for everything.  So bring something along with you that you can exchange with.

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