
What kind of Birth Control should I take?

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I tried the pill, only to forget to take it everyday. I tried the Nuvaring only to get a horrible rash and tender body parts....Condoms are okay but it sucks considering we are married. Has anyone had the depo shot or the muirena<--sp? If so did you like it and what did you think the pro's and con's were? PS i just had a baby 2 months ago and we don't know when we want another one...maybe 2-3 yrs.




  1. I don&#039;t do well on hormonal methods of birth control, so I have a Paraguard IUD. I&#039;ve had it for the last 8 years and it works great, no side effects or problems of any kind.

    You should talk to your doctor about your options and what&#039;s best for you.

    Personally, I would advise against the depo shot, it messes with your cycles too badly and once you go off of it it can take some women up to two years to have regular cycles again, making getting pregnant very difficult.

  2. I totally advise against the depo shot. It is one of the worst things you can ever do to your body. It causes massive weight gain, depression, mood swings, hair loss, and can also lead to bone density loss. Not a good thing. I would definitely go with an IUD.

    For more info on what DEPO is really about go to this site:

  3. I totally agree w/ the answer above, and would advise against the DEPO shot, I&#039;ve seen tons of girls gain weight, acne, and have a really hard time getting pregnant afterward. I too am married, and we&#039;ve  always used condoms, except one time and i did end up getting pregnant , plus condoms do suck if you are married. I&#039;m a weeks pregnant now, and thinking of getting the ParaGard IUD after. It&#039;s hormone free, and just as effective as tubal ligation, only it&#039;s not permanent. Good luck to you...

  4. I have a very bad experience with the depo! I was on the depo for about a year and decided to get off of it because i gained so much weight from it. About 40 pounds. Also after i got on it my moods changed so much I was always so mean and very short tempered. When i got off of it i got pregnant about a month later or so. Well i lost the baby and they had said it was because the shoot was still in my system and my body and the shoot or fighting off the pregnancy. Its just so hard with the depo because you never know when its fully out of your system to even try to become pregnant again. Well after i miscarried somehow lol i became pregnant again a month later and now I&#039;m 39 weeks a one day. I wouldn&#039;t suggest the dopo at all, if you are planning to have kids in the future. After i have my baby i am planning to get on the muirena. It can last for five years and you can get it taken out sooner if you decide to become pregnant and you wont have to worry about miscarriage or complication, or even gaining weight. So i would recommend this. The depo is just to strong, my friend also became pregnant  on the depo and was able to have the baby but it had problems afterwards because of becoming pregnant on the depo.  

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