
What kind of Bug Bite is this?(picture) every answer is appreciated C=?

by Guest61124  |  earlier

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I got this bug bite yesturday at first i thought it was a pimple but it wasnt white & the redness around it was spreading it hurts & the bumb looks abnormal when i look at it from the side its sore & it

I already put neosporin & this other foam bacterial cleaning stuff on it but it doesnt seem to help

stings what kind of bite is it?

Thank you for your help C=




  1. I'm not sure what type of bit it is but here a couple things that could help.

    1. put  1 % hydrocortisone cream on it 2 a day that helps with the itch.

    2. take some benadryl that can help with the redness and swelling.

    3. place ice on it.

    4. I would take a pen and draw a circle around the redness so you can tell if it is getting bigger because if it keeps on getting bigger after trying steps above you should have it seen for infection.

    I hope I helped you some.

  2. if you are concerned seek professional help!

  3. It is a g*y bite it makes people g*y.

    Hope i helped

  4. Every bug has its own unique type of poison in thier bites. But I am sure it is not going o kill you. It will disappear but will take some time.

  5. Looks like a spider bite but not absolutely positive. Just to be safe see a doctor. take care and good luck!

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