
What kind of Bug is this and what would be the best way to get rid of them?

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The bug has a brownish-blackish body. It has six legs and a pair of wings. It's head appears to be a dark red,like blood-color.There's a lot of them around the kitchen and bathroom.I try to kill them when I see them but they never seem to go away. I sprayed cleaner at them to kill them but I can't do that to all of them. What kind of bug might it be and how can I get rid of it? If you do have a link to a place where you found it out please post it in your answer. I need as much info as possible.





  1. I have those bugs as well and the only way to get rid of them is to call the bug that is they only way to get rid of them. call terminix they are all over the usa look in the phone book under pest control then look for that company. ok.

  2. sounds like German cockroaches buy feeding discs(Max force) but better of to call in the professionals if you live in an apartment building contact the supper. and let him call in someone.Avoid spraying chemicals it will only scatter them even worse need to use a bait,

  3. call an exterminator

  4. Cleaner just cleans the bugs!  Buy some cheap bug killer like Raid or whatever works on roaches.  Roaches are supposedly the only thing that can survive nuclear exposure so whatever kills them should work.

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