
What kind of Doll could I use for my doll house?

by  |  earlier

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So like I got this doll house and its being built, and its going to be all pink and FABULOUS, and like.... yeah amazing. Buuuuuttt.... the problem is, is that I cant find dolls. They have the actual Doll house dolls, but they look like they are stuck in the 90s and they just look.... weird. And I don't want them. So I need a doll, thats Barbie like, that I could like dress up and she can bend and all that, but small. No larger than about 6 inches. Like the 6-1 scale (I think thats it). If anything could help me out. :D




  1. Bratz shes right they are kinda smaller than barbies and thier better im a rite??? well hope that helps you

  2. try bratz kidz.

    those are smaller than regular barbies but not too small.


  3. Bratz Kidz or Bratz Babyz are awesome. Kidz are smaller than the normal Bratz, see sizes!:

    Bratz Boyz: 10 inches

    Bratz: 9 inches

    Bratz Kidz Boyz : 7 inches

    Bratz Kidz Girlz: 6.5 inches

    Bratz Babyz Boyz and Girlz: 5 inches

    Bratz lil angelz: 4 inches

    lil Bratz: 4.5 inches

    Itsy Bitsy Bratz: 2 inches

    Hope I help, Bratz arè perfect for your house and are better than Barbies  and MyScence that are horrible!!!

    Good Luck!!


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