
What kind of GCSE's do I need to get, to become a commercial pilot?

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hey, I'm thinking of becoming a commercial pilot when im older, but which GCSE's do i need to get, how many, and A*, A, B, C or D???? Also if i get those GCSE's, how much money will it cost to train me, and which liscences do i need, and how long will it take???? thanks...




  1. GCSEs are only a foundation to build A-level etc on to.

    I'm not sure of all of these, this is just my guessing knowledge but as far as i know it would be

    BTEC leisure and tourism




    there will be more, however these are the ones that are offered at my school and I'm not fully aware of any other courses to be honest.

    You would be expected to get A or higher. The normal GCSE course is 18 months.

    If your school doesn't offer what you need to become a pilot and moving school isn't an option then you can contact home learning programs such a ICS or a college.

    Hope this helps.

  2. Don't listen to the first answer. He's just a paranoid hippy. There is no other mode of transport like aviation. You can't get a train to Australia or drive to the USA. It's just not feasible.

    You will need decent GCSEs to get yourself into A-levels. Subject choice doesn't really matter at GCSE so long you are doing conventional subjects and not 'media studies'. For A-levels you will need Maths and Physics at the minimum. Although it isn't strictly required, it will help you a lot.

    Currently to train a pilot to air transport level it costs roughly £60k. However you have to remember that you need type ratings for a particular aircraft. You might get a sponsorship from an airline.

    Usually from a zero hour pilot to a frozen ATPL/IR (Air Transport Pilot's License with Instrument Rating) takes about 18 months.

  3. Geography, Physics, Mathematics (A-Level), Language, a foreign Language, Engneering Science and those subjects.

    You need to score A's or high B's.

    training varies with different institutions, I think what is important is the number of hours in flight that you need to fully qualify for commercial flying.

    You may also need to study international law a bit.

  4. Hey Andy, sorry to warn you, but I really wouldn't consider commercial pilot as a solid career move for your future. Oil extraction is a real problem, and oil is running out at a rate of knots. Check out this site:

    You'll see that commercial airlines are going the way of the dodo, since jet fuel is a key byproduct of oil production, and some airlines have already folded as a result. Many more are likely to soon.

    Work hard at your GCSEs, and try and get good grades, but keep your options open guy.

    Edit: "paranoid hippy" accusation. Guy, I wish I was. These claims are being made and backed up by some of the world's foremost geologists, scientists and engineering experts who work in oil production. These are not uninformed laypeople, and they're definitely not "hippies".

    I'd rather listen to experts who work in their fields, rather than people who profit in the short term from denial. Just a thought.

  5. 7 A* - B's to get a sponsorship plus 2 a-levels and higher

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