
What kind of Gift does a 9 year old boy want?

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my little brother has a birthday party he has to go to soon for his friend. my mom needs ideas on what to get him because we have no idea what a 9 year old boy wants!

i suggested a ds game, but he doesnt own a ds

he owns a wii, but wii games are too expensive for birthdays

my brother says he likes baseball, but he already has a lot of bats and balls already!

so what else could you get a 9 year old boy?

( i am a 13 year old girl and i have n0 clue)




  1. wii Nintendo ds XBox 360 Video games psp skateboard

  2. EB Games or GameStop gift seems to be what all the boys in my daughters class want.  Have fun shopping!

  3. bike, skateboard, DVds also what games are he is in to,

  4. Me thinks some sort of loud toy. as a 17 yr old guy i know what i wanted and it was loud toys. buy him a plastic gun that makes noises and then say u dont have any batteries left when it starts to annoy u too much ^_^

  5. Well I have a 9 year old cousin and most of the time when we give her birthday gifts, they end up being played with for about two days and then it goes in the closet. So we give her money and a card now. So she can spend it on whatever she wants and we don't have to worry if she will like it or not. :}

  6. guns!!!

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