
What kind of Government does Britain need ? ?

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to restore some kind of order in the country ?




  1. Take the government back from the bankers, and pull out of the EU before it's too late to try.

  2. I think they are becomming like current indian Govt, doing sprcial things for minorities for votes, making vote banks, belive me its very very dangerous  !

  3. They are okay with the monarchy

  4. Britain needs a less PC government! It needs a government that isn't scared to tell the minorities to "like it or lump it" or get out and needs to be tough on crime. Life means life and all that!!

  5. If you read the UKIP manifesto, it comes close to it, but we have to realise that any party who are elected would be up against great pressure from the NWO Elite

  6. Less socialism, that's for sure.  They should also be more particular as to who and what numbers of who they let in their country.  

  7. Muslim Government, I think

    Britian may be divided.

    There are more browns than whites there, now.

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