
What kind of I.D. do I need to get from Canada to the U.S.?

by Guest60564  |  earlier

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I am going to the U.S. on Sunday, and I think I know what I need, but I'm not sure. I need my birth certificate and my photo health card. For my 20-month old daughter, I need her birth certificate. I also read somewhere that I need written consent from my daughter's father saying it's okay that I take her across the border. Even though we're not together, and have never been married, do I still need it?




  1. You need a passport.

  2. For you you need your birth certificate and photo ID (government approved)...for your daughter you need her birth certificate...but no, not written consent. If you have a passport for yourself, they prefer that...but not neccessary, yet.

  3. You will need the written consent of your daughter's father if his name is on her birth certificate.  If his name is not on her birth certificate you will not need his consent.  If you do need the letter, it would be a good idea if he is available by phone when you are crossing the border in case the border officials decide to call to make sure that everything is ok.  The letter should say you have his permission to take your daughter out of the country, and should say where you are going and for how long, and should give his contact information.  Border officials on both sides of the border are very careful about minors crossing the border if both parents are not present.

  4. You are required to hold a valid passport if you travel by AIR. You don't need a passport when traveling by "LAND or SEA" (TILL JUNE 2009) You need a government issued photo ID such as a driver's license and birth certificate.

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