
What kind of Jobs are available for those with occupational interests of social service?

by Guest62380  |  earlier

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>>>>Other that social worker?




  1. You could be a job coach like me and work with teens & adults that have some type of disability. I work with people who have some type of developmental disibality. I go to my clients places of employment and help them with their jobs. Or you could be a job developer who helps people find jobs. I was a client at first, than the boss lady offered me a job. My job is very rewarding and  I love it!

  2. being a feminist could be a tough job.. you have to train first over at GWS ..bashing males 101 is about to start..

    (believe me, they consider it social service of the highest degree)

  3. How about school counselor. Volunteer at soup kitchens to start. Food pantries. Call the local police department main line (not emergency) and ask about community service.

    Good Luck.

  4. social service workers run programs such as housing, employment,  and recreation for people with developmental disabilities instead of being an actual social worker

    entry level jobs only require a HS diploma

    main jobs need a bachelors degree

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