
What kind of Oil is involved in an oil spill?

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And why does it injure/kill marine life (e.g. Marine Mammals and Fishes...)





  1. it's crude and it kills penguins, ducks, harp seals, etc.

  2. Crude oil and it coates the animals fur, feathers, etc choking off their ability to breath

  3. Not fishies, you forgot in Chemistry of the composition of oil. Oil is less denser than water is, in other words oil actual floats on water because its mass is less.

    It only kills the top layer of sea creatures. It does by suffication of sea creatures deriving them of air oxies. I can tell you must of the marine life never surrvive an oil spill.

  4. crude oil -

    and it  kills fish because instead of haveing water pass through their gills they get oil choke and die

    mammals i imagine because they get covered in it. cant just rinse it off, body parts probally dont function right - oil in their eyes - problaay in their mouths running into their insides - if its extremely thick where they are when it spills or where they land i imagine they drown also not being able to move in it causing them to drown and birds stay near land so they wash up on shore with the other anmals

    and it causes cancer in lab rats - possibly in humans that work in garages all day -

  5. oil contains petrolium which is poisonious to us and animals

    crude motor gasoline etc.)

  6. its crude oil which is like glue and covers the    bodies of  anyanimal that gets  init ,birds cannot   fly any more ,because their wings stick togetther and are covered in oil and fish cannot breathe anymore

    ,most creatures die ,in oilspills ,so do plants

  7. The Oil which is spill in sea water is petroleum or any other which is leaking from containers of ship  which floats on sea surface over water that leads to death of vegetation underneath it and fishes because as the fish comes in contact of oil it sticks to them and make them immovable the fishes dies of  chocking of gills through which they respire as they need dissolved oxygen of water, looking on the surface so many fishes the sea birds get attracted  towards the  oil spill and they also die sinking on less dense and sticky oil therefore it is a dangerous problem to the ecosystem on water and sea shores

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