
What kind of President do YOU want?

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What kind of President do YOU want?




  1. A Scottish one

  2. Initially, not is what being offered.

    i want a president who puts the needs of the country first and the party a distant second.

    They do what is right, not what is best (as the two may not be the same)

    They speak honestly and without guile or deception

  3. simply a man with principles.  

  4. I want a President who leaves no room for doubt that he loves this country!!!!!!!!

  5. I want a doer not a talker.  I want someone who does what America needs not what Americans want.

    Fix the deficit.  Eliminate the trade deficit.  Stop foreign nations from pirating away the wealth of America via the American consumer.

    Keep wealth in America and make Americans wealthy again.  not sell out American people to the highest bidder.

  6. as a bible believing follower of Jesus Christ, Pro life all the way. Sorry, brother but no "pro choice" candidate in my opinion is fit to rule the USA.  

  7. One with experience, one who actually believes in and loves America.  I want one who will protect the individual rights granted to us all in the constitution, and who will ensure the security of our nation.  Lastly, I want one who respects our military, what they are doing and have done more than he respects the opinions of the UN and third world countries.  I guess I just want a true American.    

  8. One that leads our country the way God would want him to and puts the Bible into practice the best way he can. I want John McCain for our president even though he may not be a Christian he puts into practice the moral principles that are close to what the Bible says.  

  9. Hey, Semper Fi Reborn! Wondered where you've been.

    It would be great if the president could be a whole-hearted Christian, but we know that isn't likely to happen.

    Still praying for you!

  10. I want a President that puts the needs of the country before political expediency.

    I can dream, can't I?


  11. Follow the constitution and other laws:



  12. Bill O'Reilly for president! :)

    This is interesting:

  13. One who cares about the country more than his/her own political career.  One who doesn't give a tinker's d**n about the media and what they say.  One who knows the heart of the American people, and RESPECTS both that AND the office of POTUS... and would never do or say ANYTHING that would disrespect either one.

    One who has confidence in the strength of the American people, and has the ability to rally their strength when necessary.  One who will stand up for America's right to exist as a nation.... a nation that is basically a good, decent nation that wishes to share the blessings of freedom and individuality with other nations.

    One who actually believes in and FOLLOWS their oath of office.... and has no problem saying the phrase, "So help me GOD."

    That's a pretty good summary of the kind of POTUS I wish to see.

    Have a right-wing day.

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