
What kind of a feminist / anti-feminist are you?

by Guest10630  |  earlier

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What do you think about equal laws / rights and what do you think about women's role in society? Elaborate as much as you like :-)




  1. I'm neutral.

    While i do believe women should be treated equally, i believe it to the point that it should have the same affect on any advantages someone has just for being a women just as it affects the disadvantages that being a woman has in society.

    Another way to put it, while women should have an equal opportunity for such rights as employment, severe consequences should be enforced on those who give handouts to someone just because they are a women.

  2. The law should apply to everyone fairly.

    Women are s**y men with b***s.  No other difference than that to me.

  3. I am a non-feminist that believes that men and women are complements.  Men have strengths, that are to be appreciated and acknowledged. Women have strengths , that are to be appreciated and acknowledged.  I don't have the desire to be a man, have the skills of a man, or begrudge a man of his masculinity.  I am extremely feminine and I want a man that appreciates this and the aspects that come along with it.

  4. I guess I am a moderate liberal. I'm anti-hate, anti-censorship, and anti-tattoo. Just kidding about that last one. My boyfriend wouldn't like that.

    I think equal rights should be for all; and that includes military, socioeconomic issues, legal rights, and many more.

    I like to think I am a true equalist (which apparently isn't a word in spell-check land), if I have to have a label. I think women should be whatever they want to be - CEO, SAHM, or President.

  5. I don't know if I'm a feminist or not. I just expose sexism, bigotry and hypocrisy wherever I see it.

    People will see my stance as anti-feminist mostly. I call myself an equalist, the type who hates any sexism and discrimination.

  6. I believe in equal rights for men and women.  I'm not the kind of- well I don't know what label to call myself to be honest- equalist/feminist/I don't know what to call myself that thinks men and women are only different because of society, although I do think that plays a huge role in it.  I don't think that for the most part, men and women should be funneled into "gender roles" though.  

    I've never really fit any of the labels before very well.  I guess I'd be an equalist if I really had to choose, but few people really seem to want to use that word.

    ARTY said a lot of what I was trying to say.  I agree with a lot of what Molly B said about men and women complementing each other as well, although I can't see any strength being 100% across the board for either women or men.

  7. Liberal/individualist/equity feminist. Equality = good. Women's role = limitless.

  8. I'm a libertarian individualist feminist. Check my profile for the link to the ifeminists website. I'm against anything that I see as special rights to women such as affirmative action. I believe women and men deserve equal rights and no special rights for anyone. The woman as well as the man is important to society, they help make the family and raise the future leaders of our countries. Without any of them, this society will fall.

  9. I am the kind of feminist who believes that men and women should have the same rights and opportunities. However, I am against the advantage some women take of men. Some women use their gender to obtain benefits, legally, at work, at school, etc. If we feminists want the same rights and opportunities than men have, we should be treated as any other individual and we should not take advantage of those rights and opportunities to affect men. I also believe that women can be as bad as men, as unfaithful as men, as mean and irresponsible as men. Nowadays, we can find anything and we can not get surprised anymore.

    I like the fact that women can work and can get important positions in companies BUT it is true that when women were not allowed to work, they would spent more time with the kids and be more involved in their lives. Today, women are so busy working and trying to make money that sometimes they forget their role of mother and that is what affect kids today therefore the society of tomorrow.

    I believe that most women have more responsibilities than men nowadays: work, sometimes school, the kids, the house, etc. Today's men have to be more cooperative at home and more supportive.

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