
What kind of a jobs can 15yrs olds get ??

by  |  earlier

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other than KFC and takeaway shops

delivering papers




  1. Get a job at WalMart as a stock Associate.

  2. pizaht

  3. I worked at a grocery store sacking groceries, it was great.   I got decent tips.  I don't know if it's still possible.. also waitressing is always great if you can get hired on.. tips as well.

  4. most places in Australia alllow you to get a job when you are 14 and 9 months. you're 15 so you should be okay.

  5. My friends work at Spotlight and they like it.

    Also maybe somewhere like a Bakery,Target,K-mart or clothing stores.

    Lots of shops have places where you can register online.

    Good luck! =]

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