
What kind of a lifestyle do republicans have?

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I'm a liberal, I'm trying to understand what kind of a lifestyle and culture do most republicans have. From what I've seen and heard before, I guess most republicans are religious (mostly conservative), wait for s*x until marriage, some of them don't believe in divorce, a little too patriotic (this one is subjective though).

If you're a republican, can you tell me about your lifestyle and beliefs -both political and social.




  1. Hey 22 year old.  Don't make the mistake of labels. Liberal or Conservative, Democrat and Republican aren't interchangeable.

    I started as a registered democrat when I voted for JFK in 1959. I supported civil rights when the dems didn't and the reps did.  Guess that made me a liberal.  I still have liberal ideas about some social issues, but am anti abortion, believe in God and don't attend church. I don't think governments role is to take care of us by redistributing wealth of those who work hard for it.

    Small government is good, big is bad.

    I am registered republican, and consider myself conservative.

    I believe corrupt politicians are the worst scum of the earth.  I'm against capital punishment, don't care about g*y marriage, but want them out of my face.

    Let us know what you have learned.  I've raised 3 -22 year olds.

  2. I actually appreciate your question.  I'm sure by reading the answers you are going to discover that republicans have a lot of different lifestyles.

    I am older (60ish) so a lot of what you attribute to Republicans probably does apply to me.  I am personally religious, however, i do not push my beliefs on others.

    I do believe it would be very very special if a couple could wait to have s*x until they are married, however, it isn't very workable,  I certainly did not, and don't know anyone who did.

  3. I think you need to rephrase this to liberal vs. conservative.  Then you need to further break it down to fiscal and social.

    Socially, Republicans can be conservative as you mentioned or liberal (okay with birth control, okay with g*y marriage, etc.).

    Fiscally they are generally conservative.  This means that they believe that any time you live beyond your means your destined to live beneath your means.  They believe that it's important for people to be able to take care of themselves and so we need to develop plans and programs to teach people how to do that more effectively instead of developing programs to teach folks to be more dependent.

  4. I'm independent, but my oldest friend of 36 years became one.  He is a free market fan, been married twice, has one kid by his second wife, and is a vice principal at a junior high school.  He also has a micro-brewery and does IT consulting work on the side.  He isn't very spiritual or terribly moralistic.  I think his views simply grew as he matured and prospered.

  5. Me I'm an atheist, drink like a fish, and try to have as much premarital s*x as possible.  And I live in Santa Monica, CA.  

    I'm a Republican because I have a good paying job which required a BS and post graduate degree and hate the fact that lazy leeches want to take my money because they were too lazy to work in life.    

    I'm not a fan of Bush or the religious right, I think they suck actually, but I can't ever support a party who thinks the government should solve problems that people created on their own (both people and corporations)  I supported Ron Paul actually but I love making fun of Obama because he's a socialist tool.  

  6. We sit around eating bon bons all day and count our money and then write our congressmen to complain about how we can avoid taxes so all the liberals can starve to death.

  7. 1. 6 AM: wake up

    2. 7 AM: Pray

    3. 8-5:  Exploit the peasants

    4. 6-7PM: count our money

    just what you thought...

  8. I'm an independent who votes conservatively.

    I'm a divorced single mom with 3 kids. I have two jobs, one full time job that pays the mortgage and one part time one that pays for the extras. I'm also a cancer patient in remission.

    I have a college education and am currently attending classes to obtain an industry certificate. I drive a Honda minivan. I bowl in league on Thursdays. I read books, go to beer and wine tastings, love playing games on Pogo, and I collect antiques and coins. I have a house that the bank owns half of. I work for a big business that has a love affair with offshoring jobs but I also realize that big business does not owe me a job and that demonizing them, taxing them and making it difficult to do business in the States will result in more offshoring, not more jobs here. I am also a personal responsibility advocate. I fell on hard times after my divorce and worked three jobs so I wouldn't have to rely on welfare to care for me and my children.

    I am an ex smoker. I CHOSE to start smoking and I CHOSE to stop smoking. I didn't need a politician to remind me it was bad for me, demonize me and villify me, calling me a burden to the taxpayer. (The cancer was not smoking related)

    Sometimes, I CHOOSE to have a beer, a twinkie, and some fast food. If any weight or poor health comes of it, then it's my responsibililty, not McDonalds, not Hostessess fault. It's mine.

    I CHOSE to have and retain full custody of my children and when I made that choice, I took the responsibility of making sure that I raised them, fed them, clothed them no matter how many jobs I had to work to do it. I did not cut hours at work so my welfare check would not decrease. I did not expect the taxpayer to take care of them. We all fall on hard times but there is a difference between using the system to get back on your feet and using it as a lifestyle.

    When I CHOSE to go back to school, I took the responsibility of paying for it. I did not whine that the school was too expensive and that I was owed.

    My mother was an immigrant. My grandparents were immigrants. They CHOSE to come here legally. Many others CHOOSE not to but don't want to take the responsibility for breaking the law. The US does not OWE these people passage or amnesty. They need to stand up and take the consequences that come from their actions. The American taxpayer should not have to foot the bill.

    I CHOOSE to donate to cancer charities, veterans and children's charities. I do not want to be forced to pay for global poverty or global warming or any of that jazz.

    When I CHOSE to spend too much, I took consequences. I did not blame government for not bailing me out. I bailed myself out.

    I have health insurance and I CHOSE to take a high deductible insurance. I pay the bill without whining. I have not had insurance at some points in my life but NEVER did I expect my friends and neighbors to pay extraordinary taxes to pay MY bills. I took care it.

    I am an American. Whereas I am proud of my country, I understand we have problems and can do better.I do not wait for Government to save me because more often than not, the government is part of the problem, not the solution.

    I'm also a non practicing Catholic in that I do not go to Church. I do have a relationship with God. When it's Christmas time, I say Merry Christmas. I have  Christmas tree, not a holiday tree. It's Happy Easter, not Happy Spring and I have first amendment right to say those things. If you're offended, keep in mind there are worse things I can say to you.

    I drink bottled water. Please do not villify me and remind me about all the landfills and global warming. I don't care. If you are concerned, then YOU remove plastic bottles from YOUR shopping list. Leave mine alone. PS, I hate those squiggly bulbs too.

    I can go on but I've gone on enough. Oh, and I'm a woman. Traditionally, I"m supposed to vote Democrat. I stopped doing that ages ago.

  9. Republicans appear to be intellectual cannibals feeding on each other if they find it neccessary.

  10. I'm not religious.

    I didn't wait til marriage to have s*x.

    And I've been divorced.

    Wrong on all counts.

    Married with children.

    Middle class with a good job. (Less than 5 Million) ;-)

  11. The smart ones are very rich and enjoy a great lifestyle.

  12. You have to understand one thing is what they say and another what they do.

  13. Well , I guess we're pretty normal- Did you think we had two heads or had x-ray vision? Where the h**l do you live? It's just a political party not another planet.I'm sure if you looked real hard, you might find one somewhere.  

  14. Sure, I am Republican leaning Libertarian. I am not religious and was not brought up in a religious home. I didn't "wait till marriage". I am patriotic without shame and am irritated by the Obamabots no end. I am upper middle class and live debt free because debt is for suckers.

  15. I am an average middle class person. I didn't wait for marriage to have s*x, I don't go to church, I have been divorced, I love my country, I don't own a gun, I don't think abortion should be used as birth control but I don't want it out lawed, and I don't hate people because of either their economic circumstance or the color of their skin. I judge people by the content of their character.

    My Political beliefs are:

    We should have a small federal government that stays out of my life and pocket as much as possible.

    We should help people that are having a hard time not by giving them never ending handouts but by teaching them and giving them the tools they need to be successful. There is a saying that goes: Give a man a fish and you feed him one day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for life. Republicans believe in teaching a man to fish and Democrats believe in giving a man a fish. I will leave it to you to decide which you think is better.

  16. let's look at the red states... south and midwest... I grew up in a poor southern town...

    poor people... that work hard...

    the conservative leaders say "keep taxes low, so you can keep it in your pocket"... and they think "great!"

    only problem is... schools are bad in most red states (look at NCLB scores)... kids don't get a good education, then are stuck at low paying jobs... and the cycle continues...

    they are religious... and often vote on that as a key issue..

    most don't understand that sometimes you have to spend some money, to make money... they think they can work for $8 an hour and just save up and things will be ok...

    usually live in a small home and drive old cars... and have no real hope of ever getting above lower middle class...

    the minority of Republcians are those who own the companies these people work at that are making pretty good profits by paying them so little...

  17. I'm married, have been married to the same man for 26 years.  We have 3 daughters (all ours, no steps).  I believe in divorce under certain circumstances.  I didn't wait til we were married b4 having s*x.  Very patriotic inwardly, but don't put it on display like a loon.  I work in an office, Monday - Friday 8-5.  I shop at local grocery stores and OOOOH, the dreaded Wal-Mart.  I love my family, friends and my country.  I believe in working hard and helping the less fortunate.  I don't believe in re-distribution of my pay to others at the hands of the government...well, gotta go home.  Gotta go watch Lord Obama!

  18. Im a conservative and a reformed liberal, im not overly religious i had gasp pre -maritial s*x, ive been divorced 2 times and yes i am a patriot an ardent one in fact.  I dont believe that things like Amensty for Illegals, g*y Marriage or the forced confiscation of my money  by a tyrannical government are good things for me personally or the nation as a whole.   I think socialism is a failed ideology designed to keep the people subjugated as slaves to their government.  I believe in our Constution as written and not as intepreted by politicians for their own gain. I believe in self determination and self sufficiency i believe in earning your life not having it given to you by others who will seek to control every aspect of it.  And i know this one day when you are a little wiser to the ways of the real world it is my hope that you will take off the rose colored glasses like i did and step into the world of reality.

  19. You're average Republican lives in constant fear. They oppose everything. They hate having fun. They also spend a good portion of their time figuring out ways to defend child rapists and war criminals. They typically have very few friends(for obvious reasons). They usually have closet feeling about certain topics but are afraid to let them out. Whether it be their sexuality or when their little brains process a rational thought. There is a reason these retards worship AM radio and Fox News, it's because they need constant reinforcement or eventually reality will set in. As we all know, reality has a well known liberal bias.

  20. I've been married for 25 years to a great guy.  I'm not a prude. I am pro birth control.  We now own a condo.  And I love rock n roll.  I went to a great Billy Idol concert recently.  

  21. i would consider myself religious.  am i in church every sunday?  nope.  do i pray?  you bet.    

    my s*x life?  well, that's between me and my husband of 22 years. lol.

    divorce is for wussies.  marriage is hard.  i think people are way too willing to take the easy way out of a marriage these days, rather than work things out.  just my personal opinion, for what that's worth.

    patriotism?  well, i'll have to admit i'm a pretty patriotic person.  my father was an air force man.  my uncle was in the navy.  my father in law served in the korean war, army.  my cousin is a lieutenant colonel in the army.  she served in operation desert storm.  my little brother is a navy man.  i have a lot of pride and respect for our military.  i take it very personally when people put down our troops.  they didn't personally choose to go to war.  they have a job that they are called to do and they do it.

    i believe in saying what you mean and meaning what you say.  i man's word is his bond.  my number one pet peeve?  liars.  i can't stand a liar.  that's me and my lifestyle in a nutshell.  peace. :)

  22. I am not really that religious but do not belittle others who are

    I did not wait until marriage for s*x

    I do not think divorce is a good thing but sometimes is the only option

  23. I wouldn't call myself religious per se.  I do believe in God now, although I was raised without any religion and was agnostic growing up.  I am conservative, did wait until marriage, think divorce is only justifiable in cases of abuse/addiction/affairs, am very patriotic (at least for the ideas this country was founded on).

    Anything else you want to know?

  24. Republicans have the same lifestyle as Democrats: that is to say it represents the spectrum of incomes, religious beliefs, social values, etc.

    Since there are rich and poor liberal Republicans and rich and poor conservative Democrats, I think what you meant to ask is the difference between liberal and conservative values. So, yes, you are wrong in your observations, since you couch your question as a matter of party affiliation rather than political orientation.    : - )

  25. I'm 25, not married, and I'll take you on a date if you want the details...

    Maybe to the RNC next

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