
What kind of a person would run over a Box Turtle?

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why are people so evil, I live in a community where the speed limit is 15 mph, this was no accident!




  1. That's a easy question

    -over obsessive

    -Drug overdoses

    -Busy and in a hurry




    -wimps that take out their anger by blindfolding themselves in cars



    -Someones who's foot is asleep on the gas pedal

    -muscle less people


    -females on hormones

    -males on jackass


  2. omg how cruel mean people who dont care about animals would do that

  3. some messed up, cruel, retarted, heartless, evil, carelss, g*y, faggish person!!!!!!!!!!!!! thats sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo... mean turtles are sooooooooo kool! that evil, how could someone wanna run one over????????????????????????????????????... Whos turtle was it? If it was yours im soooo sorry! that is really sad!

  4. A TYPICAL person!


  5. My boyfriend and I get mad about that stuff too.......even squirrels and bunnies.  Most can be avoided, but people don't even slow down for them.  When we see a turtle in the road (when out of the big city!), we stop and get it across and a ways off the road, in the direction it was going.  A couple years ago, my boyfriend saw some guy kill a larger baby would have been hard for me not to kill that guy if I was there!!!!!   Whenever I see a dead animal in the road, I always wish a big cement or steel pole jumps out at that person's car that did it.....if they didn't try their absolute best to avoid it......which most don't.

  6. A extremely mean and cruel person would do that on purpose. Anyone who would be that mean and runover a turtle is just plain MEAN!

  7. a mean and creal person i would go to animal servises if he did it on perpose

  8. I hate people who are cruel to animals! they are fat losers who were and probably still are hated by everyone they know,  they make me angry!

  9. If it was in the actual roadway- pretty much anyone.

    If it was off to a side, then someone getting their 'kicks' off the cruelty.

  10. I've seen this too. People run them over on purpose. Animal services picked up a turtle with a severely cracked shell and brought it to the Tampa Aquarium...I don't think the turtle made it. It's really sad. When I see them I carry them across the street to the pond.

  11. maybe they did not notice or they found it fun, i would take the shell, hammer nales though it so they are sticking out, put a couple small socks to look like limbs and a head, then place it by the road, they will run it over and pop the tires, s***w them. just dont get caught you will get in trouble. that or film it when they drive after the turtles

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