
What kind of a predator will kill a young lamb and leave the skin, head and legs???

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What kind of a predator will kill a young lamb and leave the skin, head and legs???




  1. The Turkish. The rest goes into a kebab....

  2. Most predators do exactly what you described. They tear out the throat and then gut them as it is the easiest way to a quick meal and they know (by instinct) that organ meat is better nutrition. You can not, as a carnivore live on pure fat less meat (rabbit fever). You have, depending on your location coyotes, wolves, or any number of small meat eaters. Scavengers will eat the same if the animal dies. If the neck is torn out it is carnivores that killed it. If the neck is not torn out, it died and something ate it after the fact. A human will use a knife and you can see that cutting clearly.

  3. Skunks will eat lambs already dead and leave exactly what you said.  They also stink when you shoot them.  They also stink up the barn very badly.  Trust me.

  4. A bird of prey, like a sparrowhawk or kestrel or eagle.

  5. Man

  6. its easier to ask the question "what will kill a young lamb and actually eat the skin head and legs?" theres not too many that will

  7. A wolf

  8. A fox or maybe a human!!

  9. Sounds like Neocons or Satanists take your pick.

  10. Where are you from? Big Cats will do this. Pumas, Leopards, Cougars etc.

  11. It depends where the dead animal was found as to clues about what killed it.  A Fox would be the main culprit in the UK but Badgers, which are far larger than most people imagine, can attack and carry off a lamb.

  12. A kebab restaurant.

  13. Chupacabra

  14. Human

  15. if the lamb died.. a crow or raven.. bird of prey would eat the flesh and leave the other parts

    a coyote would have taken what he/she could

    get a llama....

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