
What kind of a "best friend" is this?

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I found that - She was on about trying to steal my boyfriend

Can anyone give me some advice to what I should do about that. Thanks




  1. Get a new best friend! That is such a horrible thing to do to a friend, i think you should get REVENGE Muahahahaha  >:D

  2. um ***** her out.. cause a real best friend

    would never do that.

    tell her like it is.. i mean why

    would you want to be friends with

    someone that tries to steal your boyfriend

    come on!!! thats like an enemy for ya

    i just want to say that i love my best friends =]

    and they would never try to hurt me like that.

  3. well at least you can feel happy that she's clearly a lot dumber than you.......who would post that when they knew their "best friend" would know who was writing it......that's funny

    but anyway to answer the question, she's not a "best friend" and you definitely don't need her....

  4. she must be bloody thick if your in her contacts and she posted it haha, oh wait, shes irish!! kidding.

  5. ask your boyfriend if he loves you and you only . If he says yes then kick her sorry ar*e right out of your life. Friends like that need to get thier own life  good luck honeyx  

  6. she is not a good friend.dont be friends with her

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