
What kind of a social and economic mess will President Obama get from GW Bush?

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What kind of a social and economic mess will President Obama get from GW Bush?




  1. The same one that Bill Clinton created.

  2. well... Obama is NOT the president yet.. so u shdnt call him one..

  3. Anyone elected will first have to rid our government offices of all the incompetent cronies hired by GWB! Some of these twits hadn't any credentials in the area that they were hired to oversee...Most were straight from the industry that they were required to oversee with the obvious consequence that oversight was suspended...after these goof-balls spend a year or two changing the regulations of whatever agency they were assigned they go back to their former jobs at a greatly increased salary and bennies (for a job 'well-done')

    Perhaps, depending on who is elected we will find out just how bad it really is ie how many DOLLARS have really been printed! GWB for reasons that can certainly not be good...decided to make that figure secret from the American people.

    Why? There can be only one reason and that would be to hide the true state of affairs!

  4. Nothing that he is not bound and determined to make much, mush worse.

  5. how about our 3 trillion dollar debt?!

    The iraq war for starters, messy health care, g*y marrige, gun control, and a world that hates america and calls it "satan".

    Oh yeah, and climate chagne! woohoo. very contraversal subject, thats going to be a tough one for him. He'll have to come up with a new gas milage policy, I don't see that one surpassing quickly.

    Yeah, I'm pretty sure he's going to go into the white house (if he is the one) with a whole mess of problems

    And whatever he doesn't get from Bush, he'll get from himself; who knows how the world (or even less the world but more our country) is going to handle an african america! There are still plenty of racists.

  6. SENATOR Obama, if elected as president of these United States will implement the following to our country which will hurt us for many generations to come:

    1.  Increased Government size and oversight.

    2.  Increased taxes

    3.  Remove illegal immigration polcies and open our borders

    4.  Remove religion

    5.  Provide more money to the unemployed and poor (welfare recipients) and less money to hard working americans.

    6.  Socialize health care to the point where no one can see a doctor unless it is an absolute emergency.

    7.  Rewrite all history books and ban teaching of traditional history (American History and World History).

    8.  Will reduce our military to a handful so that we as a nation cannot protect oursevles.

    9.  Prevent all types of energy production in the United States.

    10.  Increase and encourage companies to outsource jobs.

    11.  Eliminate all manufacturing businesses.

    Just to name a few.

  7. A bigger one than any of us have seen in our lifetimes, and a combination of issues that economists have never before seen.

  8. He will inherit a huge deficit, and a slowing economy, from the current fiscally irresponsible administration.

  9. none, obama wont the president.

    lets hope the dem and rep sheep wake up and vote libertarian for real change,


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