
What kind of acomodations were you give in college with a learning disability?

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What kind of acomodations were you give in college with a learning disability?




  1. Different colleges have different accommodations available.  Try checking in the local high school guidance office for information, you may need to talk to someone and tell them what you are looking for.

  2. I was allowed to take a 'history of women in math' course which was already listed in the college's course catalog instead of the standard 'intro to college math'.

    Because my special education math class had not taught me all of the algebra and none of the geometry/calculus skills which a standard college student would come into college already knowing, I had no realistic chance of  then successfully earning at least a 'C' in that standard course in 4 years.

    I was not asking the college to create a 'special' course for me or use special texts. And so, my action was perfectly legal under the ADA. It only requires reasonable accomodation of otherwise qualified students with disabilities.

    I was only asking to substitute another 'regular' course which already existed at the campis--and already was being proactively listed as a 'core curriculum' option by that college's Mathematics department itself.

    Somebody else without a learning disability in math and/or also not getting a math degree/degree requiring deep knowllege of math skills also could have performed this very same course substitution if they had wanted to.

    However, I am sure that both the department and instructors had not anticipated it getting taken to accomodate students with learning disabilities.

    They told me it was originally created for teacher ed and/or math students--who would be working with an early childhood pilot program of young girls in nearby public schools. So, the mentors would need some information to get little girls pumped up about successfully pursuing careers in math or science!

    If you are seeking information about what kind of accomodations would be available for you in/when you get to college--you will need to talk with the college disability accomodations office yourself. Reasonable accomodations are only provided on an individual basis, and the college environment requires the student to be their own self-advocate.

    Good Luck!

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