
What kind of activities can I do with my kids that are 7 years apart?

by  |  earlier

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I am a stay at home mom and the youngest is 5 months and my eldest is 7 years old. I find it very hard to continue activities with my oldest child. For instance, if I am at a baseball game, I sometimes have to leave and sit in the car to nurse the baby or tend to him if he wants to be held or entertained. So I find my self staying home instead of going to like chuckee cheese or even like an amusement park like sesame place because it could either be too hot for the baby or anything like that. How can I entertain my oldest with my youngest around? Any suggestions would be helpful




  1. you could get a babysitter or if ur worried about the baby overheating get a stroller with a cover shadey thing

  2. How about enrolling your kid in The Little Gym?  I think the classes are 1 hr long for older kids.  While he's in a directed play activity, you can sit outside with your youngest and watch through the glass window.   Also, they offer classes starting at 9 months so when you're youngest is old enough, both can attend The Little Gym.

  3. I just took my 6 month old to SeaWorld and she loved it.  Also, try the beach, a pool.  You can always use tons of baby sun block, hats, umbrellas to protect your baby from the sun/heat.  I've found that my daughter loves to be outside and just has a great time, no crying, just a happy little baby.  Plus the 7 year old would probably love it too.


    you can get much information in this website,stay a minute in website and check anyone link at a time,you can aslo get your answer in Google Search in this website, which has helped me alot

  5. u could get a babysitter

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