
What kind of activities you share with your spouse?

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how is your relationship with your spouse, is it just limited for "pillow talk" and having lunches together, [i know this could be a dream to do for some couples]

do you go walking together? running? or do you play chess or cards or a board game like "Risk" together? do make food together? do you clean the house together ;)? do you go shopping together?

what comes in your mind?

in other words: how do you define the concept of "Sharing"?

singles and married are encouraged to answer.




  1. lots and lots of sexual intercourse.:)

  2. Even though I'm not married yet.

    i think besides,eating together,"pillow talk",etc,like that i think going on a walk,goin to see a movie with each other,going out to eat sometimes play cards,(i love cards,and he has to love it to haha)

    shopping together of course i don't mind sharing anything with him whats mine is his,if he wants space every now and then to hang out with his friends and my friends come over to the house,i don't mind at all,sometimes its not always good to be 24/7 with him because we will start to annoy each other but i would atleast preffur romantic times together to make us love each other more instead of that love decreasing

  3. my married life is very similar to what my single life was.  There is personal space to the point that it's as exciting as dating someone.  I know this is odd, but I'd very much like to have him as a lover next door and have managed to make that a possibility.  i.e., getting property that is spacious and zoned for more than 1 home to be built.  I will have a bridge modified on the property that notifies him of whether I'm up for some interaction or not.  Bridge up means do not cross and down means the opposite, of course.  We are VERY different ppl., yet we've found a way for our hearts and souls to remain connected. He's highly organized and a neat freak, i am not.  perhaps i'm just a freak. so one solution to that was having a separate kitchen for each of us and a lot of space in the house until the other one gets built.  anyway, it doesn't get boring this way. i know of a successfully married japanese-chinese couple who lived across the street from one another in Berkeley, Ca. they have been married for over 35 years.  to me being married does not mean u r stuck in a submarine style living situation for the remainder of your life.  We travel together (then during travel time/living abroad this living situation doesn't work out well, but i still enjoy him since it's really a temporary thing), eat out together, watch movies together, I'm dressed accordingly as if it were a date picking me up when he comes to the door...keep our own hobbies we had before we met as well as trying new adventures + keeping the hobbies we developed with one another. I hate routine, the only routine i want is to know he's always there for me and that he feel the same from my side.  This way works and doesn't bore the h**l out of either of us.  He never hears what most men don't want to hear probably due to this living situation (he does not hear me tell him, "go sleep on the couch"/nor does he hear the words "no" from me in matters that count to a typical man; it's rare that he's around to hear me complain/nag. I think that stems from ppl. being fed up w/ one another/taking each other for granted.  less boring time together reduces that from happening).  Yes, it's a very little understood arrangement, but it works for us + I'm thankful for it.  We did live in a tiny apartment at the beginning, but it's more preferable to live this way.

  4. Well.. Im still single, but I'd love to do there things together, esp food together and out for lunch, I hope he would be able to go for walks after a tiring day of work, about shopping, I'd love to go with him for his shoppings, but diffenitly i won't take him shopping with me, he will hate me, lol, and get bored, I really go shopping with certain imagination and excepecting to find thaat and buy, he'll think im crazy:D, Pillow talks are very nice

  5. We do everything together, it's pathetic but fantastic at the same time. We hike together, we camp together, we talk to each other every day for, like, 7 hours, we play games with each other, we e-mail each other, we do grocery shopping together, we text each other, sometimes shower together, eat together, we laugh with each other. For 3 years.

    The only things we don't do together is mall shopping and, like, reading books. Or internet stuff.

  6. Sharing means to share happiness in good times as well as supporting and consoling in bad times.  We also share opinion and we share in bringing up the children.  

  7. :) i like this question!

    MM we share many things together ,

    like going to the club  

    walk in the track  

    watch football together specially AHLY matches and champions league

    share breakfast, dinner, lunch

    hanging out, shopping together..

    play playstation together " !!  "

    traveling ,

    going to the movies

    sure if we had kids we share many stuff with them and it will be te greatest time.. isA

    not really share cleaning he house cause its my job :(

    not sharing pillow talk cause we go to bed when we are already slept =D

    sharing is about doing all you can and even what you dont like wit your partner just because you love each other...

  8. It's been a great 3yrs, for me and my spouse. We do everything together, and go everywhere together except work! We keep our relationship alive. Have a powder fight, walk up to him and make a funny face, funny works, laughter is good!!!

  9. My Friend: Lets imagine that we are making a company with someone, as an example : Trading company: we need to do the following:

    1) Arrange the capital of the company (in marriage case , the acceptance , love and respect)

    2)Agree on the aim of the company( in the marriage , the new family)

    3) Determine the duties and the rights,,  the responsibilities and the   possibilities (I do not need to explain that)

    So in any cooperation ,we have to work together to achieve the target required,, A Doctor , can have an engineer as a partner, to make a contracting company, they are different , But they have to work together , talk together  and share activities to fulfill the need of this company,,,In the marriage (company) ,,, we have to find lots of common aspects in order to pass at least the first period of the marriage,, thanks God,, in a while , part of the aim , will take most of both the couple's time, and there will be ,  obliged common activities which are: taking care of the new born, and struggling  in life to arrange for them the reasons to succeed ,, the only problem that when the kids are older, and this all time is not needed anymore, the couples had to train themselves to have common activities otherwise the old house will collapse. We saw lots of similar stories,,,

    I myself would share in lots activities but that depends also on my choice of my spouse,, I want one (at least I wanted long time before now) someone who can share my interests in arts, and traveling,,, someone who can share the interest in my business (when I had one) someone who can argue me with respect like I could argue her with respect concerning different fields of life,,, It is not sharing to go to the movies together,, It is sharing to discuses this movie with our point of views later,,,

    That was my idea of marriage,,, then I woke up recently and i found I was so stupid to plan how would be the relation,,,simply , because millions and millions are married, had families - with as you say in your q a pillow talk  only,, and at the end they have ,someone (each others) and some kids who would take care of them when they are not capable,,,it is bad that we seek idealism and the idealism is so simple than we thought,, the correct answer of any problem is the easiest one,LET NATURE TAKE ITS PATH,,,,Mesh kedah wal ah?

  10. I don't have one...... but i like your question...... and I like to share my good moments .....and bad ones sometimes with people I Love.....

  11. Well of course we have the pillow talk thing, but we bowl, do yard work, take the kids to there activities, we love to travel.  xox

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