
What kind of ammo would you use for a bear

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in pennsylvania you can use a shotgun to hunt for bear..this will be my first year bear hunting and i am gonna use a shotgun anyone know the best kind of ammo for a 12 gauge???(buckshot is illegal)




  1. Buy Remington, Federal, or Winchester Rifled Slugs or if you have the Rifled barrel buy the Sabots.*

  2. Use a rifled pointed slug, if you can find them. I've seen them but not everywhere. Does your shotgun accept a 3" magnum load? If it does use that, over the 2 3/4". Observe your choke setting, and set appropriately if you can. If your choke is fixed it is most likely fixed at the "modified" setting, so read the slug box. I'm in Pittsburgh. Good luck and enjoy the woods.  

  3. You are getting the same answer, use slugs. But what kind?

    Here is what you do. Go the gun store, and buy 3 types of ammo, 3 boxes each type; for a total of 9 boxes; slugs are usually in 5 round boxes. You do not need 3 inch mags to kill even the biggest of black bear in PA, so get 2 3/4 inch unless the heavy kick gives you that warm fuzzy feeling, then have at it.

    Go to the range, and put up 3 large targets at 25 yards. Then shoot one box of a brand at one target, then move to the next two shootin another box of another brand, until you have 3 targets with 5 shot groups from the 3 brands. Be careful and let the gun cool for at least 1 min between shots. Now look at the targets, and choose the brand that brought on the best group, and or closest to the bull. If you have adjustable sights, you can adjust for better accuracy with the second box of slugs in the brand you selected.

    All the other brands can be shot for practice. If you do this right, you will have found a good round for your gun, and shot off 40 slugs, and have 5 ready for your hunt. This is how you kill animals cleanly.

    I would suggest that Winchested rifled slugs be in the mix, and also Brenneke rifled slugs. I use them out of a Bennelli, and find the Winchesters to be less money, but the Brenneke to pattern best.

    Now you are sighted in with the ammo that your particular gun likes, you can go buy a case(10 boxes), put them in the closet, and be ready for bear each year.

    Happy Hunting.

  4. Sorry, but I use  a 30/30!*

  5. I believe slugs are going to be your only logical choice.  What kind of shotgun are you using?  If you can get a rifled slug barrel, then shoot some high quality sabot slugs.  They are more accurate than rifled slugs shot out of a smoothbore barrel.  I would avoid any other type of shotgun round, for safety's sake as well as respect for the animal.  You should strive for a quick clean kill and go to great lengths to avoid wounding the bear.  Practice, practice, practice!  Good luck.

  6. If you have a rifled barrel (which I recommend spending the money on if you plan to hunt every year) then you can shoot the Winchester Partition Golds.  They have very high velocity and pattern very nicely out to 125 yards.  If you are shooting smooth bore then I recommend the Breneke Slugs which have a trailing wad (attached to the lead) the wad stabilizes the slug in flight and results in some nice 4 inch groups at 100 yards.

  7. If your using a shotgun then use slugs as buckshot will only anger the bear aa well as only wound it if you use buckshot then you are taking a chance of losing a wounded animal

  8. Buckshot is illegal for a reason.  It is effective at close range (inside 25-30yds) but much less so at "normal" hunting ranges.  A 12ga slug is the way to go from the traditional foster type slugs up to the modern sabboted slugs.  In a standard smooth bore open choked shotgun a foster slug can be accurate out to 80 - 100yds and has more than enough energy to take any black bear that walks.  

  9. they make slugs for 12 gauge's go to your local ammo store and ask to see some. They look pretty mean

  10. Good, High quality slugs should be enough for eastern black bears.

    You are hunting off of a stand? You get to aim (lol) and take a good shot. I woulnd expect to see a real long shot on a bear. After all... you can make the same kill with a broadhead arrow.

    In the dark ages we used to shoot slugs (the inferior old fashioned kind) out of whatever shotgun we had.

    With a little practice I learned to shoot hit a paper dinner plate at 75 yards with a old Model 12 winchester..full choke...3 out of 5 or better ...with the stock gold bead for sights. Plain old Remington Slugs... packed a lot of freezer meat away too.

    I bet you can do much better with a slug barrel and rifle sights or a scope if you feel the need.

    Keep in mind...we used to do this stuff with sharp sticks


  12. copper sabot slugs from a rifled barrel.

  13. You don't mention if the shotgun is smooth bore or what.

    First choice through a rifled barrel or rifled choke is Sabot Slug.

    Second choice is the Rifled Slug.

    I wouldn't use buckshot if I didn't have to.

  14. If buckshot is illegal your only choice is Slugs. Smaller shot will not  even penetrate the bear's hide and just p**s him off.  Me personally I would not hunt bear with a shotgon I would use a big bore high powered rifle, 300 win Mag or 45/70 or somethig along that line.  

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