
What kind of animal do you think you would be and why?

by  |  earlier

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didnt know what to put this under so dont get mad.




  1. an ant in revenge to the vast amount ive murdered

  2. Ya mum, cos shes hawt

  3. OK, glad we are sticking to the topic of science and mathematics, lol.

    I would be moose, i think. Oversized, and dumb as a post.

  4. I think i would be a giraffe because I'm the tallest in my class

  5. I would be a tiger because they are so cute

  6. "A liger....It's pretty much my favorite animal. It's like a lion and a tiger mixed... bred for its skills in magic."

  7. I would want to be a bird so i can fly anywhere in the world.

  8. I'd defenitly be a cat. I'm already like one. I love to sleep a lot, and always stay up late. I'm a night animal, just like cats. Night is when I come alive. I hate mornings, even though cats like to get out and roam in the morning. I'd rather sleep late, and stay up late.

  9. I don't really think. I know I'm a wolf, no question.

    It's hard to explain, but I have to tell you I REALLY like to chew things, especially fabric, like clothing, towels, or blankets. Of course that's not really why I choose a wolf, but it's consistent.

  10. A large Cat, have Always favored the animal, love to lounge in the sun, finicky and playful to. I have always liked to be  "petted"

  11. i have never thought of it,but why should i want to be an animal?there is no reason to project yourself in one,you are what you are,and is all right you can place your question wherever you want to,yahoo let you do that choice,it is all right!

  12. I would be a polar bear and steal your Coke.  =D

  13. I'm most like a cat, so I'd probably be one of them. I love to sleep and am highly curious. But I'd love to be a dolphin, they swim so freely and are able to the beauty of the oceans. A golden eagle would be wonderful, as they can soar high and never tire. A horse would be great as they can run so far and fast. Plus their beautiful. I love all four, so any of them would be great.  Great question. Lots of fun to answer.  And don't worry, no one should get mad about where you put your question.

  14. no not mad :) i would be a python... just like real reason

  15. A cat, any kind, large or small. Belly rubs, roam all night, ignore you when I want, sleep where and when I want. That's the life.

  16. i would be a wolf because they're so peaceful and intelligent, but also feirce and wild

  17. I'd be a dog and do anything I wanted without worrying about what my family might think of me...

    I'd be a butterfly and just ride the breeze.

    I'd be a cat and slink around all night long and sleep all day.

    I'd be a horse and out run anyone trying to catch me.

    I'd be a frog and listen to my butt hit the mud every time I tried to touch the sky.

    I'd be a snake and shed my skin while I got to big for my britches.

    Then I'd want to be a child reborn to try this world out all over again.

  18. A super con-man so I can be a billionare

  19. I would be a bald Eagle

    Why? "I can do what I want, gosshhhhhhhh..."

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