
What kind of animal kills its prey by eating the stomach?

by Guest34477  |  earlier

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In the past 2 1/2 months 3 dogs in our area have been killed in their backyards (2 being ours, one sadly a neighbors this morning). They have all been killed the same way, broken neck to kill and then they eat the stomach. The conservation officer simply said it was a coyote and pushed it aside, but coyotes are loud when they kill and don't leave anything behind. The victoria conservation officer said it to be a cougar. If anyone knows, it would be so appreciated, I need to warn the rest of our area. We live in Kelowna, British Columbia.




  1. The broken neck and missing stomach suggests a large cat, possibly a mountain lion or bobcat. The problem is, most mountain lions won't hunt domestic dogs- they're just too much of a pain to fight. If the area where you live is over hunted (by man) then there is a higher likelihood that you have a four legged feline friend prowling around. This is not a reason to panic though, and there are ways to coexist with it.

    The best thing to do is NOT to kill it. Rather, only let your dogs out for brief amounts of time- supervised. Do not let children play outside alone, especially near dusk and dawn, and when you go on a walk, go in groups of 2 or more, preferably with a dog. If you are really worried, buy a can of mace and carry a walking stick with you whenever you go outside. Make sure to use both, not just one or the other.

  2. Animals that eat meat may use their claws for killing their prey or tearing meat from their kills.

    North Island Wildlife Recovery Association

    Box 364


    BC V0R 1V0

    Tel: (250) 248-8534

    Fax: (250) 248-1274


  3. Most carnivores eat the stomach and liver of a kill first.

    If the hunting is good any animal may leave its kill.

    I'd go with the cougar as felines tend to break the neck and do it quietly.

  4. probably something in the big cat family. maybe a cougar but then again idk what temperatures you live in.

  5. This type of predation is typical of big cats and hyenas the stomach is considered a prime food part. Most big cats kill their prey by closing of the windpipes of the animals, however it is a trademark killing technique of cougars to bite the back of the neck and severing the upper spinal area. The predator in question is without a doubt a cougar.

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