
What kind of antivirus program is safe?

by Guest61613  |  earlier

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I wanted to know if there are any safe free antivirus programs on the internet to download. If this is please give me the website.




  1. Try AVG free from

  2. Avira AntiVir :

  3. The best one I recommend to my friends, family, and people on yahoo answers is : AVG Free AV

  4. wat kind of antivirus will give you a virus?

    all antivirus programs are safe.  

  5. hi there.... try you look at this site. I found at google last week

  6. just type in the adress bar free avast registration its free for 2 years but u can register after 2 years again i have it its very safe and if u get a virus theres a another thing that safely removes it  


    FREE avast ! anti virus 4.x Home Edition

    Spyware Blaster anti spyware

    Spybot anti spyware

    Firefox 3.0.1 web browser

    Firefox Security Extensions: Firefox Options Security

    Content: check block pop ups.should pop ups get through [ and they will ],get the url and enter that in the load images section and choose block

    Privacy: Cookies: put that same url into accept cookies and choose block

    Dr Web link checker.This plugin allows you to check any file you are about to download, any page you are about to visit with online version of Dr.Web anti-virus! New menu item "Scan with Dr.Web" will appear on hyperlink context menu.

    Finjan Link Checker.alerts you when any malicious content in a webpage that proactively alerts when you encounter a potential malicious content hiding behind links of search results, ads and other selected web pages.Finjan Secure Browsing then displays a safety rating next to each link it has searches[ google,yahoo,ect ] there will be green [ safe ],yellow [ caution ] and RED [ DANGER ] icons on each link


    Blocksite website Blocker.automatically blocks websites of your choice. Additionally, this extension will disable all hyperlinks to these websites, by just displaying the link text without the clicking functionality.

    Suggested Internet Options Security Settings:control panel,internet options:Advanced tab: all unsafe/unsigned ActiveX disabled

    unsafe authenticode disabled

    Script disabled

    File Prompting disabled

    Access Across Domains disabled

    Scripting Internet Explorer disabled

    No Addressbar or status bar disabled

    Launch Unsafe Applications/Files disable

    Software Permissions high safety

    Allow Statusbar update By Script disabled

    Allow Websites Prompt for Info Using Scripts disabled

    Privacy Tab: advanced,override

    allow 1st party cookies

    3rd party [ spy/malware/tracking ] cookies BLOCKED

    I.E.: tools,options,content,content adviser,enable,approved sites

    enter addresses and choose NEVER

    XP: Disable Net Messenger.start,all programs,administrative tools,services.all services are listed in alphabetical order

    Alerter: right click,select properties,select disable [ Net ] Messenger [ NOT related to instant messenger or MSN messenger ]

    right click,select properties,from drop down menu,select disable

    please don't forget to choose Best Answer

    this answer has been selected as Best Answer 5 times

  8. There is loads!!

    Avast 4 Home Free

    AVG 8 Free

    Bit Defender Free

    Of the above 3 Bit Defender was found to be the best by

    But all of the above work VERY WELL!!!

    Also try Spybot Search & Destroy Its free and cleans out Spyware!

    Hope this helps a little bit!

  9. In the world of security, you get what you pay for!

    Larger companies are able to be more proactive in developing signatures for the latest threats. Every day, new viruses are created or morphed from old ones that a whole new definition has to be written for.

    If you pay for your AV, your getting a PAID staff to stay on top of things. Free AVs have to go about other ways and enticements to get their money to survive.

    It all depends on what you do with your computer. Do you use it to surf p**n? Do you care about your information? Do you use it for sensitive information?

    THE most important things you can do (besides running AV) is to ensure that the OS is fully patched, all of your software has the most current version, and that you do your everyday things with an account that does not have Admin Privileges!

    With that said, the best FREE Security Software programs according to Consumer Reports are -

    Antivirus Alwil Avast Home Edition 4.7.

    Antispyware/antiadware Install both Microsoft Windows Defender and SpyBot Search and Destroy 1.4.

    Antispam SPAMfighter standard or Microsoft's Outlook or Windows Mail with Junk Mail Filter.

    Browser security toolbar McAfee Site Advisor. Not rated, but free anti malware worth trying. See tip No. 4 in Best ways to stay safe online.

    Software firewall ZoneAlarm 7.0 (Windows XP, 2000) and 7.1 (Vista). See tip No. 1 in Best ways to stay safe online.

    Rootkit detection AVG Anti-Rootkit. Not tested, but worth trying because other free programs don't claim to protect against this insidious type of malware.

  10. one you get from a shop  but the online ones are spybot search and destroy..... and avg

  11. is decent, free, safe, fully functional

    Also Avast! and AVG are free (for home use), legitimate etc..

    Avira, the link above, tends to have the best detection rates of the "Free" AV's, with AVG having the lowest.

  12. I would suggest that you get Avast. It is free for personal use.

    Yesterday, my free anti-virus caught a trojan virus.

    To ensure that the virus caught is not a false positive, I upload it to virus total web site to check.

    To my surprise, all the big names in Anti-virus industry cannot detect the trojan. The one that detect the trojan are mainly the free version.

    Avast boot scan in Windows safe mode is the most effective way to get rid of stubborn trojans and viruses that keep coming back to haunt you.

    These trojan and viruses hide themselves in system restore folder and many anti-virus programs cannot get rid of them. So whenever, you restart your PC,

    the viruses are restore back by WIndows.

    Avast boot scan help to get rid of them in the system restore folders and ensure your system are clean.

    Anti-virus installation

    How to configure ?

  13. theres a antivirus called avast anti-virus! its got firewall as wall

    theres a trick to get it for free my trick is


    ->avast home


    ->avast pro

    ->install home first

    ->then at the end of the install ull be asked if ud like to start a boot skan

    ->click ok

    ->then your pc will restart

    ->and when it boots up

    ->a blue screen will show

    ->and itll skan for virus

    ->if u hav a virus itll ask u to

    ->delete it

    ->move to chest

    ->leave it

    ->or exit the skan

    ->the best thing to do is move to chest

    ->the chest is a file locked and nafing can open it

    ->then when all thats over

    ->install avast pro

    ->and repet the progress

    ->warning will show that a antivirus is trying to be installed do you wish to uninstall avast

    ->click ok with in 30sec or ull hav to reopen it

    ->then b4 the end of the 60days

    ->reinstall home then pro and you shod get you 60days back

  14. Avast anti-virus better definitions, anti-spyware and anti-rootkit built in, faster and more reliable:

    Setup Guide:

    Threatfire which runs alongside your antivirus enhancing your protection:

    Scroll down and click on Get Free

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