
What kind of arrogance causes a country to think its ok to outsource its citizens jobs overseas?

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and that the citizens and the country as a whole will be better off for it?

whether we are talking the people outsourcing their jobs, corporations from that country outsourcing the jobs, govt having policies in place that encourage outsourcing to occur, govt not having policies in place to make outsourcing not profitable for those who do it...etc.....

The point is still, what kind of arrogance makes a country think its ok to take jobs from its citizens and that its citizen will be better off as a result?




  1. you do understand that outsourcing allows companies to be competitive and drive down prices right?

    I understand that it's terrible to lose your job, but if your skills aren't needed then thats how it is. It's not just outsourcing that threatens people's jobs, but also automation. Think of all the elevator operators out of a job now that we can press a button ourselves.

    It happens and there's nothing we can do to stop it. If we fight back too hard, our economy won't be as competitive as it could be (which means higher prices).

    Globalization poses a painful transformation, but all economic transformations are painful. What people need to realize is that it's not good enough to just have any old skill, you need innovation. That's what companies can't outsource among other things that are purely individual talent.

    I think, in the years to come and as long as nothing catastrophic happens, whats going to happen is that many american jobs will move overseas, but in return we will not only make new products, but people will be forced to innovate and develop new skills that are in high demand and hard to find (psychology would be an example of such a field). Hopefully, it will start a new era of aesthetic, cultural and emotional development: a second renaissance, perhaps.

    In the meantime though, yeah. its going to be painful for a lot of people (and don't think I'm not affected. My family is dirt poor right now).  

  2. Free trade is the culprit.

    Remember the word multinational? They rule the world economy. They are invisible, but their power transcends all boundaries. They are the ones who determine whether your currency appreciates or depreciates against other currencies. They can make the price of oil goes up or down. They can make your life miserable.

    Going directly to your question why all these trouble of outsourcing jobs to other countries. If you are an American, you should be aware that, like magnets, your country siphoned millions of foreign specialist or highly qualified individuals from other countries. These people could have contributed immensely to their own country but because of personal desire to accumulate bigger wealth, they migrated to your country for good. This is called brain drain.

    On your side, your wages are so high so that you price yourself out of business. Labor is dirt cheap in third world countries. In our country, hair cut is $1.00; tooth extraction is $5.00, etc. A day’s labor is $8.00.  

    And I say, these are your weakness which might result to your down fall. Majority of your businesses, just like other develop countries, has transferred theirs, to China.

    My advice to you is be a miser. Do not use imported goods. Ride on your bicycle instead of S. U. B. These fuel guzzlers will do you no good. Follow the Japanese way, save, save, and save your money. Be a miser. Go back to basic.

    What cn you say about that?

  3. As an American citizen, I can tell you that my government has no right to punish or reward businessmen and businesswomen for making sound business choices in hiring more economical labor from other countries.  It's not my government's task to make sure I have a job, it's mine and mine alone.  If I choose not to make my skills marketable in a global economy, then it's my problem and I should face the consequences.

    Also, if the american government didn't want corporations to leave its borders and move jobs elsewhere, then why have the third highest tax on corporate profits of every country in the civilized world.

    Guess which presidential candidate wants to make that the highest corporate tax rates in the world?

    ~ S

  4. Some people or corporations are arrogant enough not to care about what happens when they outsource jobs. The best interest of the worker is not an issue with these people or corporations.  Its the money.  Follow the money.  Countries, like USA, give tax incentives to some corporations that outsource jobs.  Now is an excellent time to ask your question and to act on your sense of outrage at the polls in November.

  5. I see no problem outsourcing jobs. Most of firms also sell their products and services outside the country.

    After consumers can make their choices or decide to regroup and acts as lobbies.

    A firm that only sell his products and services inside the country and is outsourcing all jobs should be an easy target.

    But im not sure most of citizens care(outside of their car choice for majority) and prefer only look after price and quality not who, where and how.

    I bet that only a matters of time and evolution depending on  the country economy and employment. Innovation exists also outside US and that ll just be the next jobs to move

    Remember Ford have help capitalism a lot also cause he give salaries in order to get his products bought...

  6. i know first hand about the companies OUTSOURCING our american jobs,  my job went overseas last year and I cna't find a job ANYWHERE, and i have over 20 years experience.

    I think that the companies that outsource our american jobs

    should have  higher taxes  to pay just because they think they are saving money for their companies, I think not......

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