
What kind of aspects in a chart may promote suicidal tendencies...?

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What kind of aspects in a chart may promote suicidal tendencies...?




  1. No reputable astrologer will predict suicide or even read the house of Death. That would interfere with free will.

    Such a prediction would take an entire chart reading, every detail considered. One problem is that the actual act of dying during a suicide attempt is more often than not accidential. The 'victim' truely expects to be saved at the last minute. Another problem would be that the suicide might be the natural end to the native's life, his salvation the interference.  

    Aspects often provide roadblocks or challenges to overcome. Some highly insecure, fearful people may not be able to face those challenges or may self-medicate with alcohol or drugs and die as a result. But it would be the weakness of the native, not the aspect, that caused self-destruction.

    If you are doing a reading for someone, are you reading some aspect of Saturn in the 8th house? The 8th house, contrary to popular belief, is not the true house of death. Any professional will tell you that but probably not explain why.  Saturn signifies new beginnings as well as endings and does not signify unexpected death.

    I know you didn't want to hear any of this. You are probably thinking that I did not answer your question. But I did. What the native does with his/her life, with challenges, with gifts, with crosses and stumbling blocks, is what determines the end of life, not star signs or squares.  Nobody is predestined to OD on drugs or jump from a roof top.

    An astrologer might be able, after doing enough charts, to predict who might be most capable of a crime, of self destruction. An astrologer can tell who suffers from mental illness and probably what type. An astrologer could (but would not) tell you at what point of your life you might die and possibly why.  But that's it.  If you fear that a friend (or that you) might commit suicide you have all the power. Tell someone who will listen and can help. Suicide wounds entire families and circles of friends.  

  2. No specific chart aspects

    I guess a chart with many negative mars or pluto aspects with neptune or uranus involved (especially if the 8th or 12th houses are involved).

    I have tried to commit suicide 3 times and suffer mental illness -  I have a mars with no positive aspects and only multiple squares at the head of a tsquare. I have neptune sun and moon in 12th with neptune conjuct sun, moon and ascendant. I have saturn opposing sun, moon and ascendant and neptune and squaring mars - so there is a few for you to go on. Sun and moon in scorpio. No planets in western hemisphere but saturn. No earth

    I suppose any chart which looks extreme in several ways overall could have tendencies to insurmountable problems and giving up

  3. mars conjunct plutoooooooo

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