
What kind of aspects/placements may indicate that a person has the "gift of the gab"?

by Guest55963  |  earlier

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I'm not necessarily referring to a chatterbox...but to the ability to express themselves gracefully/in an appealing way regardless of "length" or "duration".

Any ideas?




  1. my taurus friends have the "gift of the gab." lucky ones, eh?

  2. -an easy aspect between Mercury & Venus, especilly if it involves the third house and the ascendant.

  3. Hi Eliza

    The gift of gab stems from Gemini and Mercury. Even a strongly placed Mercury will carry the traits of Gemini over to whatever sign he is in. Mercury in Leo with Venus aspect gives a silver tongue. If you look at Obama's chart, he can talk your ears off.

    Having said this, Mercury in Scorpio square Saturn in Leo gives the gift of gab. Check Hillary clinton's chart.  

  4. uh......a good mercury maybe...or just a chatty mercury ( in gemini for eg ), and recieving good aspects.

    I consider myself a chatterbox , I have an urge to communicate and exchange idea most of the time. I can literally talk for hours without feeling tired if it is something I am interested in. Otherwise I would bring up topics so everyone can discuss.

    I think several aspects are involved here.

    Mercury-Mars aspect could indicate a passionate and quick to response type , the easier aspects would make an invidividual less impulsive in dropping his ideas

    Mercury-Moon or Venus aspect, the person is able to convey his emotions and what he feels through words , writing.... The challenging aspect could indicate the tendency to lie about one's feelings. Basically what he says doesnt agree with what he actually feels.

    Mercury Jupiter and Mercury Uranus could indicate a thirst for knowledge and communication. I have both of these aspects ( Mercury trine uranus and mercury oppo jupiter ) , I feel the need to talk and communicate and soak up knowledge on a frequent basis. Although the trine gives me excellent memory and fast thinking process ( or maybe just give me an ability to process my/people thoughts and ideas fast ) , the opposition sometimes make me a scattered mind , sometimes I try to soak up too much knowledge, I spread them very thin. And yeah , I have a tendency to shoot my mouth without thinking really carefully .

    Mercury in air signs always seek to communicate more than any other mercury thought mercury receiving aspects always tend to express itself , be that emotionally, physically , intellectually or tangibly.

    Mercury making aspect to the ascendent also indicates the gift to talk, harmonious or challenging depending on the aspect it makes. The air rising tend to be more communicative than the rest of the signs , especially when it is supported by socialising planets like venus , jupiter and uranus. Fortunately ( Or unfortunately, lol ) , I have libra rising trine venus in gemini and jupiter in aqua, lets just say I enjoy communicating and expressing myself regardless of duration ( and you probably know that by now , lol )

    To be able to gracefully expressing , one would probably need a harmonious mercury , possibly making good aspects to venus or moon, and not bad aspect to mars or pluto.  Mercury-Neptune could put on a very imaginative way of conveying their ideas too,if they are well-aspected.

    Appealing expression could have something to do with Uranus making good aspect to Mercury, however, an appealing talk is perceived by the listeners, not the talker. As communication is not a one-way show , it engages audiences too , so it also depends  on the audiences taste ( venus, moon , mercury mainly )

    Edit : I'd like to point out though, the only easy aspect between mercury and venus is the sextile , for these 2 planets can never be more than 76 degress apart. ( for mercury can never be more than 28 degres and venus 48 degrees from the sun ).  So if these 2 planets actually form a sextile , that could be considered a very potentially good aspect for graceful speeching.

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