
What kind of attack is this? (freezing to death shaking feeling)?

by  |  earlier

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Hey there, I've only experienced this weird and scary attack twice in my life but both times was horrible and didn't occour again until a week ago.

Remember in Titanic when Jack's in the sea with Rose shuddering, trying to control himself as he's freezing? It's just like that, where I'm trying so hard to stop myself shaking all over. I feel shivery and cold (bit not freezing) the colour completely drains from my face and my lips breifly look colourless almost blue (except I'm not freezing i'm in my house) After I calm down (usually 2 mins it's that short) I go back to normal. The last time this exact attack happened was years ago 2 hours after eating a giant ice slushie (must have been a shock to the system, it was vsugary) But at this moment in time all I have atm is a swollen toe. I don't know how the h**l to try & explain this to a doctor as it doesn't happen that often but when it does It's like some sort of weird hyperventilation where my teeth chatter in my mouth! but goes away within 3mins. Should I just forget it? thanks




  1. This is called a Panic Attack and it can be fatal get some help.

  2. hypothermia (that 'titanical' freezing out) derived from a drop down of blood glucose (blood sugar). shiny was right in suggest you to go to your doctor.

    s/he - your dr - probably will check your liver and kidney.  

  3. Your toe?

    After eating a giant slushie.

    I'm not a professional...but you might want to go to the doctor and get tested for diabetes.

    To me, it reads like you have a blood sugar problem...unless you just stubbed it or something....

  4. Explain it to the doctor the same way you explained it here.  Honestly, a doctor is the only one who can diagnose you,  Good luck  

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