
What kind of attorney can help you get your child back when they are unjustly taken away by CPS? ?

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In Orange County California, social workers take away children from parents unjustly. They also lie to the Family court judges by telling them that the parents are not complying with their caseplans. My daughter has been kept in Bona Vita group home in Anaheim, California for two years. She is abused there. I personally witnessed a staff member slap another child. When I mail my daughter cards, she never receives them. The social workers also lie to the court by telling them that I plan to leave the country with my child, which is a lie. I try to be a law abiding citizen. I cannot afford an attorney. I have tried to find a pro bono attorney.




  1. Courts thrive on documents.

    If you send your daughter a card, do it by registered mail. That way you have a document to prove it.

    Show the court documents that prove you have community ties. Like a long term lease, property ownership, a long term job etc.

    If you show up to court prepared, instead of just showing up, you will find the court much more receptive to your case.

  2. You need to contact Legal Aid,  unless you want to sit with the phone book & call every Family Law attorney for help.   If you do that, ask for a referral to an attorney who may be able to help.  Sometimes, attorneys will refer back & forth.  You'll be referred to Mr. Jones who will refer you to Mrs. Smith who will refer you back to Mr. Jones.  If that happens, ask for another Family Attorney's name by saying you spoke with that attorney already & they declined to help.

    You never stated why your daughter was taken.  Just that she was.  SOMEONE reported you to CPS.  They don't just randomly come into your home to take your kid(s).  If so, then my neighbors on my porch side need to have their youngest taken.  They let her play outside in the driveway alone A LOT & she's barely 2.  I've reported them to CPS but nothing's been done.  The police were there a few days ago from a report from their neighbor on the other side.  Nothing happened then either.  

    Anyways, you should be able to get Legal Aid to help you out.

  3. What kind of lawyer are you looking for? A criminal lawyer to prosecute the abuse your daughter takes but you yourself have never witnessed? Just because you witnessed another member getting slapped doesn't mean she is. A family lawyer to get her out of the group home? However, this would provide so help from you which doesn't seem an option in the way you wrote this question.

    With the information you have provided there is no logical way to answer this question because you do not provide any history as to why your daughter was put there in the first place. Perhaps she is there because she is a menace to society? Perhaps you abused her? Perhaps they are keeping her safe from something you don't know about? Perhaps they are doing unnatural tests on her for the government? You don't provide the adequate information all you really doing is making claims it sounds like you can't support.

    I think you need to gather all the information and proof of that information and then go from there. Haven't you watched Erin Brokovich? (SP?)

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