
What kind of backyard bush draws flies?

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Moved to this house off the Shark River inlet in New Jersey, and there's a tall (window height) bush next to the patio. Ever since the little pebble-like flower buds appeared (white, and very clustered), we've had a convention of flies.

Now that the flowers have opened - they're x-shaped, waxy and about 1/2" in diameter - the flies are in a frenzy. I've never seen anything like it! Any idea what kind of bush it might be? There's no perceptible scent, and there aren't flies on any of the other bushes. Also, would the ziplog bag filled with water idea work to deter them?

Here are some photos:




  1. mix up some dish soap and water in a spray bottle and spray it all over the bush and the fly's will go away. They can't stand the petroleum in the dis soap

  2. The plant is some variety of Euonymus.  Maybe something like Euonymus 'Manhattan'.  There are a bunch of varieties.  It is a lovely evergreen broadleaf shrub.

    I would not recommend spraying it with soap as this might burn or damage the foliage; or disfigure the flowers.  It does not bloom for long and the files will leave when it is done.

    Some varieties of Euonymus produce an ornamental fruit.  The flies are helping you pollinate flowers and if the flowers don't smell badly I would just let nature take its course.  Hopefully you have a screen on the window and you are not picnicking under the bush....

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