
What kind of ball do they use ih the game of rugby ?

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What kind of ball do they use ih the game of rugby ?




  1. It is an oval shaped ball, nowadays made of a synthetic material. It is fatter than an American football and does not have the lacing on one side as all the stiching is internally beaded.

  2. A rugby ball, oval in shape.

  3. Let me think.... Hmmm... I reckon you may have noticed already by reading all the e answers you got but.....It's an oval shaped ball... No frills or laces (like American Football)

    Just big, relatively long, thick & rounded ends for better movement!!!

    Got it??

  4. Rugby players have leather balls.

  5. A rugby ball (duh) and 2 golfballs per player

  6. its an oblate spheroid

  7. A rugby ball is not "oval'. In fact it is a form of prolate spheroid.

  8. A rugby ball, similar to an American football but more oval and no laces.

  9. a squre 1

  10. eh duh a rugby ball...........

  11. Is it a ball ?  It's not round, a shuttlecock is more of a ball than a rugby ball - it should be called a lump

  12. An oval shaped ball that looks like an egg

  13. An leather Oval one.

  14. a rugby union rugby ball. size 5 is a full size. as kids learn to play and get older and bigger then the size increases from a 2 thats quite short and slim to a 5 thats fat and long.

    there is a slight difference in rugby league but not much


  16. a rugby ball!

  17. According to Jonny Wilkinson, they're different to the ones that were used last time he was playing international rugby.

    Good job that he only had a week to practise with it, or he might have scored 72 points instead of 27!

  18. An american football (rather than a soccer ball) and a rugby ball are quite similar in shape and size. Both balls are oval and are 11 inches long. The difference between the two is the shape balls' ends. The football has ends that come to a point--while the rugby ball has flatter ends. The ends of these balls make a significant difference in how each moves through the air

  19. a rugby ball i think

  20. are you friends with Peter h,  the one who thinks Will Carling is the greatest rugby player of all time

  21. A rugby ball.

  22. Technically speaking -

    LAW 2. BALL


    The ball when new shall be oval in shape, of four panels and of the following dimensions:

    Length in line.......................  280  to  300   mm

    Circumference (end on)...............  760  to  790   mm

    Circumference (in width).............  580  to  620   mm

    Weight...............................  400  to  440   gms



    The ball, at commencement of play, should have a pressure equivalent to 9 1/2 - 10 lbs. per square inch (0.6697-0.7031 kilograms per square centimeter) at sea level.


    The dimensions of the ball may be reduced only for younger schoolboys.


    Balls may be specially treated to make them resistant to mud and easier to grip. The casing need not be of leather.

  23. An oval shaped leather ball.  The Americans adopted a smaller version of this for their adaptation of football.

  24. I agree, it's a rugby ball

  25. a rugby ball is kind of like an american football, only fatter and white...

  26. Size 5 leather egg

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