
What kind of bedding do I use for a Guinea Pig?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, I am seriously considering getting a Guinea Pig! I was wondering what type of bedding is best for them? Should I use Aspen bedding? I heard that is a good brand!




  1. aspen is good bedding but be prepared to clean alot of it off the floor. it has a mind of its own and creaps out of the cage at night and gets everywhere lol.

    i prefer carefresh. it doesnt get as much all over and keeps the smell down.  just stay away from cedar and pine

  2. Newspaper

    Kiln-dried pine shavings



  3. aspen bedding is good, i think i used that for my guinea pig as well. they just curl up in a corner and seem to be comfortable

  4. Aspen is appropriate. So is Carefresh.

    Yesterday's News is a great bedding, but can be a little rough on the the feet if they have no option but to stand on it all the time.

    As long as you avoid Pine & Cedar, you're pretty safe when it comes to beddings. Corn Cob bedding isn't recommended either, provides an unstable flooring and pretty uncomfortable for small animals to live on.

  5. aspen or carefresh

  6. aspen/carefresh

  7. get carefresh

  8. i prefer aspen bedding. i have used most kinds. it's the best.

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