
What kind of beer do they drink in ireland?

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What kind of beer do they drink in ireland?




  1. Ale

  2. personally, id be a cider man. favourites being bulmers(magners), druids, kopperberg. most popular beer would be bud id say

  3. Guinness or Murphy's, but I know quite a few Irish people, so I think it's just about anything with alcohol in it!!

    No offence meant :))

  4. there is only 1 beer in Ireland and if you gotta ask you shouldn't be a drinkin' lassie or laddie

  5. guiness would be the main irish beer that is famous among the world. i live 10 minutes form the brewery and it absolutly cooked carrots or something! yuck!

    ive been on the tour of the is pretty cool...

    younger people like 18 to 25 would be more inclined to drink things like WKD, smirnoff ice, bacardi (alco pops) and shots like mickey finns, alftershock and my favourite (and for the brave) tequilia.

    clubs here have great deals like 3euro a drink its great...

    other beers and lagers people in pubs might drink are harp, bulmers(yum), heneikin, carlsberg, miller, budweiser, the list is enldess!

    always drink sensibly.

  6. Guinness! Just as the man said. It'd prolly taste better in ireland. I went they sure <3 their beer

  7. Guinness, Harp

  8. GUINESS!  The Guiness in Ireland tastes better than the ones produced and available in the *U.S. (*still a good beer)

    (We have some family members from Ireland)

  9. Guiness. It's an Irish Beer.

  10. Lots of different sorts of beer, but I expect Guinness is most popular.  It's lovely.

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