
What kind of bird is this? and what should i feed him?

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what kind of bird is this? and what should i feed him?

i found him on the grass the other day,, so i brought it home

but it won eat anything

im afraid it might starve to death

and should i go and leave him where i found him? (so the mother can find him) or try to raise him myself?




  1. You should leave him for his parents. the reason he won't eat is because he doesn't trust you. birds actually have a very minimal amount of taste buds, the only reason they'd be picky is texture. ie, if it hurts to bite, they'd prefer soft, otherwise they tend to like crunchy things just for the fun of it.

    I've had a similar situation, finding a dove on my doorstep one morning. i moved him to the outside of the kitchen window sill and his parents came and fed/visited him often. so basically, put him where you and his parents can both keep an eye on him. That way if he's abandoned you can seek help/advice from a local wildlife foundation but not deny him his natural upbringing.

  2. It looks like a killdeer (and no, they dont "kill deer" -- it's just their name).

    It's like a shore bird -- it'll eat insects, so find a place that sells mealworms.

  3. That is a common bird in many parts of the world.

    Leave him where you found it and check for some days where u left is if his still there. If it is still there. Buy a cage and keep it. Go to a vet and ask him what he need because he might need food from his mom so they may help.

    Good Luck!

  4. no take him to a wild life center such as the zoo and have them take care of him. he kinda looks like a kokaberra. or something like that he is offly cute tho.

  5. i dunno, but we found a baby dove in our back yard and my dad showed me how to feed it, you get grub worms (the small ones) and store them in your freezer, then get some tweezers and when you fed it take your index finger and thumb and slightly but gently place on the base of the beak and "poke" the tip of the beak so that it will open and place the worm at the back of the bird's throat,

    we kept the dove untill it was big enough to live on its own (a month and a half) and we set it free and once we let it back in the back yard it flew away

    but after maybe 4 weeks try bird seed thats what we did

  6. Looks like a baby Killdeer, or some other plover.  The parents are most likely should replace the bird where you found it and watch from afar to see if the parents are tending to it.  If you are too close to the baby the parents will not come.  If after at least an hour you do not see the parents in the area..take the bird to a local wildlife rehab:

    Killdeer info:

  7. That's a baby killdeer.

    They like to nest on fields or golf courses...I know I live on one & see them every year. They are adorable little animals, but they need to be returned to the wild. Contact a local wildlife center or rehabilitator, they will be able to help. If there are none in your area, contact your local SPCA, who can take it in & find a foster or maybe have staff that is expirenced with baby animals.

    Usually the baby & parents will communicate with each other. Try putting it back where you found & wait about 20 minutes & see if anything happens if, not, it's best to get him to a rescuer ASAP.

    Good luck, hope this helps


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