
What kind of bottom feeder can I add?

by Guest63772  |  earlier

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I got a make betta in a 3 gallon tank. I had shrimps that ate the left overs but they all died. I feed my betta flake food, should i be feeding it pellets? I was thinking of putting a panda cory in to bottom feed. I have a whisper filter and a small sponge filter in there so I know it can take atleast one more fish. any suggestions of a better bottom feeder to put in?.. Thankyou




  1. add cory catfish, snails, other small catfish, (NO SHOVEL NOSE OR REDTAILS!)

  2. i would say none because you have a betta which is agressive and you have a small tank, although i have a 4 gallon with 1 goldifsh, 1 rosy red and 1 crayfish.

  3. Is your tank cycled? If not then that is why the shrimp died. Here is how to cycle a tank-

    I use pellets for my bettas, and I heard that flakes pollute the water, but I have never used flakes, so I don't know. Cory cats of any color  are schooling fish and need to be in a group of at least 3, 6 is better. Your tank is top small for that, a better bottom feeder would be a mystery snail or 2 african dwarf frogs! The african dwarf frogs will not eat f***s left over, but they will eat food left over. You have to feed the dwarf frogs frozen blood worms or other frozen food for them to stay healthy. The reason I say 2 is because they are not a schooling frog, but they like to be with other members of there kind, like humans! Make sure and research each species before you buy! Don't listen to the ppl who have never read a care sheet in there life and expect just from experience and assuming the name says everything that Betta's will attack everything, it is NOT true!!

    Edit:Since you already have a Cory, and your tank is filtered, it is best to add 2 more. It will be a little overstocked, but the Cory cat will be happier.

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