
What kind of bow would you recommend?

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I'm a 20 year old female wanting to get into bow hunting...what compound bow would u recommend?




  1. Diamond by bowtech makes really nice bows that I prefer although there are a bunch of other great companies out there. I would reccomend a 50-60# bow and if you can pull back the 50# you can work your way up to 60#. Find someone with a 50# bow and try pulling it back, if you can't ask if you can take it home with you and practice sitting down to get better leverage and in about 2 weeks you muscles will develop and you will be able to pull it back.

    Don't start out with a draw that is to heavy but work your way up. I've seen some small women pull back some heavy bows after practicing. Personally I would recocmend this:

    great bow for a great price and for $100 cheaper this one is good:

  2. OK.  Matthews makes a really good bow.  Beware of those Hoyt and bowtech and Diamond bows.  they get up to $700!  I'm a teenager (hence the name) and i recently started bowhunting (it's TONS  of fun!)  and I learned a lot by talking to all sorts of people about bows.  From what I can tell, some of the best bows out there are:  Pearson (that's what I have), Parker, and Matthews.  Oh, and when you get your bow, don't practice it too much.  That's what I did.  I pulled muscles in my back and in my shoulder.  Couldn't pull my bow back for about 2 months.  just got better.  Anyway, go online and look in archery catalogs and talk to everyone you know that might be able to help you. have fun!

  3. There are many bows out there that will work great for you. One thing to think about is cost. You can spend a relatively small amount or money or a great deal of money. The other thing to do is go shoot as many bows in your price range as you can and buy the one that fits you the best. You also need to think about how much money you will have into your rest, sight, arrows, release (if you want one)  etc.... There are many "package" bows that will have arrows and all the goodies included. I would suggest staying with the better brands and I will list them in order (in my opionion anyway) Matthews, Hoyt, BowTech, PSE and many more. Good luck and glad to hear you are going to get involved in the greatest huting sport there is!!

  4. i recommend that you go down to a local archery store and tell the salesperson your needs and price range, than decide which bow you want. you need to know your arm length, how much weight you can pull, and other deciding factors. some quality brands are Matthew's, Hoyt, and Pearson. Bow hunting is a lot of fun, and requires practice. i hope you enjoy your hunting experience.

  5. There are two ways to do this-get into it as cheaply as you can , and move up to better equipment as you learn. Or, go top of the line right off the bat, and hope you stay in it. The best method of deciding on the bow,which that is what the question was, is to go to the pro shops in your area, and they will show you what they have, answer your questions, let you shoot and decide, and make sure it's the right equipment for you to use- they will measure your draw length, and see what weight range your bow needs to be for you to be able to shoot it accurately-more then likely a 40 to 50 lb range bow, starting at the 40 lb range at first. With a 2 blade broad head, a well placed bow shot will have complete pass through on a deer. It is far better to get professional advice , and get equipment that fits you , then to get equipment that wont shoot accurately or consistently- go to the pro shop for the major stuff-come on yahoo answers for the small stuff- good luck.!

  6. Stick with solo cam bows. They need little maintenence. Mathews invented this type of bow, and are still selling strong.

    Hoyt, and Bow  Tech, are also awsome, but I am partial to Mathews. Make sure you buy from a good bow shop, not the net. If you are new, a pro will help get you sized and fitted into a bow that works for you.

    Its a great sport!  Good Luck!!

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